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Error YEM

Started by gjm, Feb 03, 2022, 03:31 PM

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After compiling a CPI-file using Yem I received today several times the error message (in a block called "Export Installation Pack") "Nothing has been selected".
I really don't kwow what is wrong. The wavesize has not been exceeded. So I to don't know what else could be the problem.
Don't hesitate deliver usefull input.


Welcome to the PSR Tutorial Forums, Gert_jan!

The message "No content has been selected" appears when you try to click the "Save as Pack Install File" button and no content is selected in the YEM.

So for each Pack you want to install on the instrument, click on the gray checkmark so that the checkmark turns light green. If desired, you can deselect individual content (e.g. certain voices) in a Pack (in the lower area of the YEM window), then the color of the large checkmark in the Pack icon changes from light green to dark green.

If you are talking about the function "My Packs > Export Pack", you must have previously selected the Pack in question in order to export it (in .ppf or .cpf format). (Previously imported, protected Packs (.cpf) cannot be exported with "Export Pack".)

If you are talking about the function "Export Selected Content as Pack" (inside a non protected Pack), some content must be selected in that Pack to use this function.

By the way, I recommend always using the latest YEM version (currently V2.8.1), because some (very new) Packs are not supported by older YEM versions.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris,

Thanks for answering. That's not the point. I've selected (checkmarks green) several packs with a total amount of 3072 MB wavefiles. But after compiling the desired CPI-files Yem still still gives the message "Nothing has been selected". And no file has been saved in this way. Strange isn't it?


Try selecting "full install" and not "quick install".

"Quick" only compiles what has changed *since the last time YEM compiled a pack*, not since the last time you installed it.


Hi Derek,

I only did full installs.


Hi Gert

When you go to select create install pack, what is selected on the left hand side - My Packs or Genos.

Maybe you could take a screen shot of the YEM window when message comes up.





Quote from: gjm on Feb 03, 2022, 03:31 PM
After compiling a CPI-file using Yem I received today several times the error message (in a block called "Export Installation Pack") "Nothing has been selected".
I really don't kwow what is wrong. The wavesize has not been exceeded. So I to don't know what else could be the problem.
Don't hesitate deliver usefull input.

Quote from: gjm on Feb 04, 2022, 04:15 AM
Hi Chris,

Thanks for answering. That's not the point. I've selected (checkmarks green) several packs with a total amount of 3072 MB wavefiles. But after compiling the desired CPI-files Yem still still gives the message "Nothing has been selected". And no file has been saved in this way. Strange isn't it?

Hi Gert_jan,

"3072 MB" (the value to the right of the slash) is the maximum Voice Wave memory size available on the Genos. What is the current value to the left of the slash, i.e. the storage space required by the currently selected Packs? (The background is that the available 3072 MB should not be used up to the last MB, i.e. a few MB should remain free to prevent problems.)

What exactly do you mean by "after compiling a .cpi file"? The term "compile" is not normally used here. You first import .cpf or .ppf Pack Project files into YEM and then save the .cpi Pack Install file (usually directly on the USB stick), by clicking the "Save as Pack Install File" button.

Are you sure that after clicking the "Save as Pack Install File" button (and selecting the file type ".cpi" in the dialog window of the same name) you also selected a permitted storage location (e.g. the USB stick)? For example, if "This PC" were selected here, it would not work. Does it work if you select "Desktop" as storage  location for the .cpi file?

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Well Bill / Chris,

First of all, thanks for your input. As Bill proposed I now post a screen print of YEM. I can tell you further, that I runned Vali Maties "Yamaha Content Explorer". After running it told me that it found 2 damaged packs (LSB 000 / LSB 023). And strange again,it seemed that LSB 000 as well LSB 023 were empty (did not contain any pack at all!). Alltough they were empty I cleared those "damaged"packs. Vali's error seems so to be solved. But I was not sure. So I reinstalled the latest YEM (You will never know.....). Started consequently YEM again and ordered it to save my cpf's to a pack installation file (cpi). The final result of my actions you can view in the attachted jpg. Hope it so all clear for you!

[attachment deleted by admin]


Hi Gert

It is still a little confusing - however

When you click on the GENOS Icon on the left, wait quite a while until the YEM works out how much data is selected. Give it time.  The top of the screen shows that you have 3070 MB spare out of 3072. The 2MB difference is the system info only - no packs. 

Once the green bar at the top of the screen has almost gone, then click on the box to the right (Save as Pack Install File) and select full install.  See Pic below.



[attachment deleted by admin]



Hi Gert_jan,

Thank you for posting the screenshot! I have not encountered this error message "Export Installation Pack - Nothing is selected" before.

What strikes me first is that the available Voice Wave memory is occupied up to 2 MB. Experience has shown that this can lead to problems. I recommend testing deselecting a Pack so that you get under 3000 MB and then trying again to save a Pack Install file.

If the problem persists, I would rename the "Packs" folder in the YEM user folder so that a new, empty "Packs" folder is created the next time you start YEM. Of course, you would then have to re-import all packs into the YEM. However, I would only import one or a few packs and then try to save a pack install file.

The "YEM Content Explorer" may have damaged something in the YEM user folder, e.g. an important index file. Important in this context: YEM and YEM-CE should never be open at the same time. So please always close the YEM before opening the YEM-CE and vice versa.

To get to the location of the YEM user folder, proceed as follows:

- Press [Windows] + [R] to open the "Run" window.

- Enter %LocalAppData%\Yamaha (or copy from here) and press the [Enter] key.

- Windows Explorer opens with the following path, i.e. the "Yamaha" folder:

- Double-click the "Expansion Manager" folder in the right pane of the Explorer window.

- Now you will see the "InstallTargets", "Packs" and "Waves" folders as well as some .ini and .log files. I recommend opening the "Expansion Manager.log" file at this point. (Double-clicking the file should open it in Editor/Notepad.) This may give you a clue to the problem. Then close the file unchanged.

- Now rename the "Packs" folder, e.g. to "Packs OLD". If the C: drive is running out of space, you will need to delete the Packs folder. However, if possible, I would just rename it first.

- The next time you start YEM, a new, empty "Packs" folder will be created automatically. As I said, I would first import only one or a few Packs into the YEM and test the "Save Pack Installation File" procedure again.

- If it still doesn't work, I recommend renaming the entire YEM user folder "Expansion Manager" (e.g. to "Expansion Manager OLD") or deleting it.

- The next time you start the YEM, a new, initialized folder "Expansion Manager" will be created. You must now first create the Genos Install Target again. As a precaution, I would re-export the .n27 Instrument Info file from Genos (on which firmware V2.10 should already be installed).

- Then import one or a few Packs again and test again.

If it still doesn't work, then unfortunately I'm at my wits end for the time being ...

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


As a precaution, before saving a Pack Install file, please also check that the maximum "Voice Parameter Size" of 61440 KB is not exceeded in the drop-down field at the top left, where "Voice Wave Size" is normally displayed, as well as the maximum "Pack Install File Size " of 4096 MB.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Joe H


If all else fails you might try Exporting or deleted ALL packs in YEM and then Import ONLY packs you wish to add to the Installation file to load into your keyboard.  When working with Vali, I found that making changes to packs in YEM can corrupt YEM.  So... starting from scratch with just packs you wish to install may work.

Let us know how things come out or worked for your problem.  The empty packs (dummy packs) if they do not have Voice names listed in them may be the problem.  Dummy packs don't have any samples just Voice names for external instruments will NOT cause problems.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Hi all... I'm very sorry if my application had corrupt your YEM installation, however I didn't encounter errors using my app on my installation. But who knows, user's experience could be different from mine. I will dig in this error to see why YEM does not see anything selected, even if there are a lot of content selected!
Thank you for this feedback!

As a remainder: I said it is very important when you make some changes using my application to backup installation before! In this way I can know what is wrong when you make some modifications and YEM gives errors, I know where to search for!

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos

Joe H

Quote from: valimaties on Feb 22, 2022, 04:32 AM
l... I will dig in this error to see why YEM does not see anything selected, even if there are a lot of content selected!
Thank you for this feedback!


If you don't check the box next to the content to be extracted you will get the message above.  Sounds like a "user error"

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Quote from: Joe H on Feb 22, 2022, 09:27 AM
If you don't check the box next to the content to be extracted you will get the message above.  Sounds like a "user error"

Joe H

Hi Joe.
I'll send you a PM... Thanks
Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos