Started by fine, Jan 30, 2022, 03:04 PM

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I'm not so sure but I think that all of the packs from YAMAHA MUSICSOFT are now free.
In addition, it's been a while since a new one's been uploaded.

Nowadays, Yamaha dosen't gain anything from PREMIUM PACKS, neither does Yamaha's collaborators (the people who make them).

What I'm trying to say with this prologue is that maybe it would be resonable for Yamaha to give us the STYLIST (EXPANSION STYLE EDITOR) Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login , even if we had to pay for it.

For anyone who doesen't know its an app for CUBASE which helps in the programming of STYLES and only Yamaha collaborators have it.

Thank you.

Joe H

We at least have StyleMagic.

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You can buy it here:  Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login  Click on download tab.. It is a copy protected program that requires you to insert a USB drive when purchasing that will serve as a dongle.

With StyleMagic you can create styles from MIDI song files or other style parts which can be Exported and Imported back into StyleMagic.  You can also Export and Import entire Sections. You can create 4-part styles from Multi Pads by (converting the pads) changing the extension from .pad to .mid and loading the pads into StyleMagic.  It will require building a personal database of style parts and Sections from existing styles and converted Multi Pads.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:  http://psrtutorial.com/music/articles/dancemusic.html
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Joe H

I created a Style Template for Cubase. I could load MIDI loops and drag to the different Sections but there is no way to set the CASM parameters.  I still needed a program like StyleMagic that has a CASM Editor and will create the default CASM settings if you build a style from a MIDI song file.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:  http://psrtutorial.com/music/articles/dancemusic.html
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Thank you very much, Joe H

I've been a loyal follower to Thomas and his programs for years now, thank goddness that he exists!

The STYLIST is something different, have a look.
    The following users thanked this post: Daro


StyleMagic is a great program but it is not easy to work in Multieditor. Editing notes is very poorly resolved. Copying parts has improved with the new version 3.5.0 but is still not clear enough.
The Expansion Style Editor seems like a good plug in to Cubase and it would be great for Yamaha to put it in its store so we can all buy and use it. Here I totally agree with @fine.
However, the problem remains that when processing the rhythm we listen to completely different tones (CM7), and not those that end up playing in Style.

I imagined that an editor like this one I used in Cakewalk would be very useful. You just need to add CASM functions to that. Watch the video.

Watch my video channel


Hello, ckobu

If you pay attention to the chord palete in the video, over the notes are the chords, the only thing is that the guy in the video dosent change them.

Even though i think he's playing the chords on his keyboard live.


OK, but the Cm7 chord is still heard during processing.

I think it's easy to solve as I showed in my video.
Watch my video channel


At that point in the video he's probably playing live without using the mouse (3.15) (35.06)


Joe H


It takes awhile to get use to the Multieditor, but it is a very powerful tool. Did you see this document Thomas wrote regarding the new Sty Console? He gave me permission to share it on this forum. 

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Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:  http://psrtutorial.com/music/articles/dancemusic.html


Dear ckobu

I am a subscriber on your Youtube channel and I've been watching all of your videos.  Thank you for uploading.

I hadn't watched the video you suggested because Im working with CUBASE, but what you're showing is interesting.

The problem is mainly in the guitars (NTR GUITAR)

I have resolved this problem writing guitar parts on C, C-E-G-C.

When I'm done with CUBASE I trasport them to E-F-G-A-B and I export to STYLEMAGIC for the rest.


@Joe H
I saw the document you posted, thank you for that. It's good that Thomas will continue to develop the great StyleMagic. Still, the multieditor is a bit unusual and it's hard for me to get used to the controls in it. It's easier for me to switch Style to Cakewalk or XGWorks, process the data, and return to StyleMagic. I tweaked the bass guitar a bit in this video and you can see what I'm talking about. And maybe I just need a little more exercise, I don't know ....

There are various solutions but it is usually necessary to use a couple of programs to get the desired result. I use Cubase but it is not practical because Style from MixMaster cannot be entered into it. That's why I prefer to use the free Cakewalk by Bandlab. Too bad for Cubase and compatibility with MixMaster.  I use Cubase it to process MIDI files. Here is an interesting video that shows how we can record from Cubase directly to the Style Creator keyboard.
Watch my video channel

Joe H


You can copy a Part to an alternate channel in Channels Manager and modify the notes then set the CASM to play different chords. I think if you are used to working in a DAW, that is why the Multieditor seems so difficult.  Each software has its own conventions.  Many DAWs work similar, but Thomas took a different approach.

Since I rarely use a DAW it was easier for me to get to used StyleMagic.  I gave up on Cubase using my Style Template since it doesn't support CASM settings. I had to go to StyleMagic.  I bought a copy of Style Factory from EMC, but is has bugs in it including wrong CASM settings and doesn't support the newer keyboard Voices.  Again I had to go to StyleMagic to correct the CASM settings. I found that making styles from song files is rather limited, so I asked Thomas to add the Export / Import Parts feature since he had already included Export / Import Sections.  Both functions include CASM settings when we Export a Part or Section.  This is far superior to any other program out there.

My intent is to eventually export ALL parts from the Preset styles on my PSR S970 as well as other styles.  Also I can convert Multi Pads to 4-part styles and save those to disk.  It will probably amount to thousands of files.  I have organized folders on drive D of my Windows MIDI computer that follow style type and the 8 part categories. That's how I will build new styles. It will be similar to Style Creator Assembly on the computer but have more and better access to all part parameters, plus good Voice and Drum Kit Editors.

As I said, it's a matter of getting used to and using just one piece of software to create styles.  That was the idea behind my asking Thomas to add the new features.


Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:  http://psrtutorial.com/music/articles/dancemusic.html


Quote from: ckobu on Jan 31, 2022, 03:29 AM
There are various solutions but it is usually necessary to use a couple of programs to get the desired result.

Anyone acoording to their knowledge and experience does what they can. I've been working with CUBASE since 1990 (ATARI - PRO-24)
You understand how difficult it is to change DAW even if the other one is free and better (CAKEWALK). For the MULTIEDITOR of STYLEMAGIC, I personally can't work with it.

Quote from: Joe H on Jan 31, 2022, 10:43 AM
My intent is to eventually export ALL parts from the Preset styles on my PSR S970 as well as other styles.  Also I can convert Multi Pads to 4-part styles and save those to disk.  It will probably amount to thousands of files.  I have organized folders on drive D of my Windows MIDI computer that follow style type and the 8 part categories. That's how I will build new styles. It will be similar to Style Creator Assembly on the computer but have more and better access to all part parameters, plus good Voice and Drum Kit Editors.

What your're desrcibing already exists on the instrument and in a better form. In the keyboard you can try the parts which you need while playing the song you want to make live, choosing from one USB with thousands of STYLES.

I would prefer a large button on STYLEMAGIC where it says GO TO (DAW). That would be a useful upgrade.

Anyway, the theme opened for STYLIST, I had a thought that maybe some users would agree.

Maybe Yamaha agrees too, which I hope they see this.

Joe H


Style Creator Assembly is rather limited but faster for sure.  I still have to load the style into StyleMagic for serious editing that cannot be done on the keyboard.  I mostly am working on my own custom styles that cannot be found anywhere. As I stated above, people who are used to working in a DAW have a harder time with StyleMagic Multieditor.

As far as Stylist goes... we have been aware that Yamaha has such software.  It's highly unlikely they will make it available to us unless it goes for a BIG price tag.  If they aren't making money selling styles then it might happen in the future.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:  http://psrtutorial.com/music/articles/dancemusic.html


Hello, Joe H

Here's a nice project for Thomas.

I don't know how hard it'll be but with his capabilities i am certain that he will make it.


Quote from: Joe H on Jan 31, 2022, 10:43 AM
My intent is to eventually export ALL parts from the Preset styles on my PSR S970 as well as other styles. 

Quote from: Joe H on Jan 31, 2022, 02:12 PM
I mostly am working on my own custom styles that cannot be found anywhere.

Joe H

Just to clarify... It was my original intent, but I may not bother Exporting all the styles from my keyboard in StyleMagic since I don't really use any of the Preset styles on the keyboard.  It was intended for others to use. I make my own style parts from 3 different arpeggiators, Multi Pads, or play by hand. I may still use Style Creator Assembly occasionally then load into StyleMagic to do some deeper editing.  For me DAWs are NOT good tools for style creation. I've "been there and done that"

To each his own!

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:  http://psrtutorial.com/music/articles/dancemusic.html

Des O

Quote from: ckobu on Jan 31, 2022, 03:29 AM
@Joe H
I saw the document you posted, thank you for that. It's good that Thomas will continue to develop the great StyleMagic. Still, the multieditor is a bit unusual and it's hard for me to get used to the controls in it. It's easier for me to switch Style to Cakewalk or XGWorks, process the data, and return to StyleMagic. I tweaked the bass guitar a bit in this video and you can see what I'm talking about. And maybe I just need a little more exercise, I don't know ....

There are various solutions but it is usually necessary to use a couple of programs to get the desired result. I use Cubase but it is not practical because Style from MixMaster cannot be entered into it. That's why I prefer to use the free Cakewalk by Bandlab. Too bad for Cubase and compatibility with MixMaster.  I use Cubase it to process MIDI files. Here is an interesting video that shows how we can record from Cubase directly to the Style Creator keyboard.
Casper, I wanted to ask you about that. Can you copy various parts of a midi file other than bass directly into style editor?


Yes, all parts of the Style can be recorded in the same way. Of course, the SFF settings in Style Creator may be different from what you see in this Bass Guitar video.
There are video links on this topic that talk about SFF settings.

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