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Editing Styles on SX700

Started by tomhscott, Jan 29, 2022, 05:17 AM

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Hi there
Can an existing style be edited say for example adding a voice to the left hand ?


I know this is a very simple question but I can't make head or tail of the manual's instructions for style editing 😏!


Styles can be edited but remember an edited preset style can only be stored in its edited form by saving under a different name in the user section. Presets always remain the same.
BUT don't edit a style to add a lh voice. That can be done via the OTS. Rh and lh voices are not part of the style.




Hi tomhscott,

For the sake of completeness, the OTS (One Touch Settings) are part of the Style data. So you have to re-save the Style after changing the OTS.

Procedure to change OTS:
- Make the desired Panel settings (e.g. voices/volumes of the keyboard parts).
- Press [Memory] followed by the desired OTS button.
- Repeat these steps for the other OTS buttons if desired.
- Re-save the Style (in User drive or to a USB stick).

By the the way, the easiest method is NOT to work with or change OTS, but simply save all changes/settings in Registrations. (You can save a lot more parameters in Registrations than in OTS. Details can be found in the "Parameter Chart" in the Data List of your keyboard model.)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

