Yamaha Music Cartridge Songs?

Started by Geocomtex, Jan 29, 2022, 03:14 AM

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When I was younger, I had virtually every Yamaha PSR Music Cartridge release. I seem to remember the midi files on the cartridges were quite good sounding and really well arranged. I just wondered if there's a site they're available to download? I also remember having some XG floppy disks with midi files on from Yamaha and these were really good too.

I'd ideally like to put them on a flash drive and then play around with them on my PSR-SX600.

Hopefully someone knows if they're available anywhere.

Also, I seem to remember there was a European MusicSoft website from Yamaha but that seems to have closed down now and reverted to the US. Am I correct in thinking this?

Many thanks.
