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Rockin' B3 sound for PSR-E433 and related keyboards

Started by SciNote, Feb 19, 2022, 06:21 AM

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I was experimenting with a sound I had set up for a rock organ sound, which combines two of the organ sounds on my keyboard, and I cranked up the filter and resonance all the way to see what would happen, and I got this crazy B3 sound, complete with the key click!  Check it out!  The first file has more single notes, while the second file has more chords.  Each is about a minute long.

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And, here's the patch...

Main Voice
Sound .......... Rock Organ -- Number 23 on E433
Volume ......... 100
Octave ......... -1
Pan .............. 64
Reverb ......... 26
Chorus ......... 87
Attack .......... 64
Release ....... 64
Cutoff .......... 127
Resonance .. 127

Dual Voice
Sound .......... Cool Organ -- Number 19 on E433
Volume ......... 95
Octave ......... 0
Pan .............. 64
Reverb ......... 26
Chorus ......... 87
Attack ........... 64
Release ........ 64
Cutoff ........... 127
Resonance ... 127

Reverb Type: Hall3
Chorus Type: Chorus1

On the PSR-E433 through E463, this should all be similar, except the voice numbers are likely different.

Of course, you can experiment with different settings of the pan and reverb to get more spacious effects.  Reducing the filter cutoff a little can mellow out the sound somewhat, but if you bring it down too far, you lose some of the key-click effect.
Current: Yamaha PSR-E433 (x2), Roland GAIA SH-01, Casio CDP-200R, Casio MT-68 (wired to bass pedals)
Past: Yamaha PSR-520, PSR-510, PSR-500, DX-7, D-80 home organ, and a few Casios


Yamaha PSR-SX900
Yamaha PSR E463
Logitech Z623 Speakersystem


Hi Bob,

Cool stuff. I wished I still had the E433.


Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.