Multi-Pad volume control on SX700

Started by dlepera, Jan 16, 2022, 11:02 PM

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Sorry if this is a redundant ask.  I have gone to the posting on this dated April10,21 and when I tried to reply with a question I got a WARNING sayng that the post is 180 days old and to post a new one so here it is.
   I am trying to adjust the volume of the multi-pad and when I follow the instructions in the post to go to Multi-pad creator, I can not find anything that deals with volume.
   The first two options I get are "Midi Multi Pad Recording" and "Audio Link Multi Pad"
The link one does nothing except to ask if I want to create a new audio link.
  However the Pad recording one does open up in my case (TranceSeq2). I see the Step Select but nothing that makes sense to me on volume adjust?   Maybe Velocity setting?  It's just that the pads are over powering the Style and voice. Playing with Style(Schlager Pop) in D#m chorld and this MultiPad is too over powering for some reason.
  I have attached a couple photos of my two screens related to the Multi Pad Creator, this is all I get.
      Thanks in advance.             

[attachment deleted by admin]
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Hi Dom,

To adjust the volume of all four pads of a Multi Pad Bank at the same time, do this in the Mixer ("Pan/Volume" in "M.Pad" "Panel" tab).

Only to change the volume of a specific pad independently of the other pads of that Bank, you need the Multi Pad Creator:

- Go to Menu > M.Pad Creator > MIDI Multi Pad Recording

- Select the desired Pad (1 - 4)

- Touch "StepEdit"

- Do NOT touch the "Step Rec" button. When this button is RED (like in your second picture), touch the button again to turn the "Step Rec" function back off.

- Touch the "Event Filter" button, make sure the first three entries are ticked (Note, Control Change and Program Change) and close the pop-up with OK.

- If you now scroll to the top of the event list, you will see the entry "Ctrl   7     43    Volume" in the fourth line. Place the cursor on the value "43" to change the volume of this pad. (See also the attached pictures.)

- Touch "Save" to save the Bank again.

By touching the "Ch" button you can switch to the display of SysEx (which is not required in the present case).

The overall Multi Pad volume is set in the Mixer tab "Panel" (not "M.Pad").

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

[attachment deleted by admin]
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris.  I tried the first suggestion which I have tried many times in the past hoping for a miracle to happen where some kind of a volume options would come up, but no such luck. See attachment of what I see and nothing happens.
   The second part with the Pad Creator, I found all that stuff interesting and watching it change values as the pad played very overwhelming.  However it did do the Trick.  I was able to save things under a new PAD name and bring up as I wanted it. Good stuff there thank you. 


[attachment deleted by admin]
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!


Hi Dom,

Which Firmware version is installed on your SX700? Have you already updated to V1.10?

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi, dom!

To adjust the volume of all Multipads (at the same time, they can't be adjusted individually), you have to go to the "Panel" page of the Mixer, not to the M.Pad page (as you show on your image). The second entry in the Panel page is "M.Pad", which allows you to control all the MultiPad channels at the same time. Here is the only place in the mixer where you can adjust this...

The settings you can modify are: volume, equalizer low, equalizer high, Pan, Reverb and Chorus, but for all the Multipads simultaneously.

Hope this helps. Regards!



Thanks Andres!

"In the heat of the moment" I hadn't thought about setting the overall Multi Pad volume in the "Panel" Mixer tab. ;)

The Mixer tab "M.Pad" allows you to control the volume of the Audio Link Multi Pads of a Bank separately. However, it is strange that (according to Data List) the settings made in this Mixer tab cannot be saved anywhere...

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Andres & Chris, Bingo!.  Never thought of trying that M.PAD of the Panel as it is never highlighted in "green" so assumed the obvious the Mixer M.Pad next to the Style.  Then again the Style is not light up yet I use that volume control all the time. Not sure why I have never tried the M.Pad until just now. I have learned a lot more today about Multi-Pads.

   Question now, what is the Mixer M.Pad in my attachment? Seems kind of useless to me.

Chris after you stated that I should upgrade my system software in a previous post to V 1.10, I followed your recommendation immediately so this is the level that I am on.   Never know when a new release is available unless I hear it from someone in the forum.

    Thank you both so much.      dom

[attachment deleted by admin]
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!


Hello Andres or Chris.  Can you please let me know that this is about?

Question now, what is the Mixer M.Pad in my attachment? Seems kind of useless to me.  This panel is non responsive, except for the Chorus/Reverb and even then not sure what the CHORS(Tempo Cross1) or REVERB(Real Medium Hall+) mean  or if they ever need to be change or when?

       Thanks in advance.       dom
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!


Quote from: dlepera on Jan 29, 2022, 04:58 PM
Hello Andres or Chris.  Can you please let me know that this is about?

Question now, what is the Mixer M.Pad in my attachment? Seems kind of useless to me.  This panel is non responsive, except for the Chorus/Reverb and even then not sure what the CHORS(Tempo Cross1) or REVERB(Real Medium Hall+) mean  or if they ever need to be change or when?

       Thanks in advance.       dom

Hi Dom,

as mentioned, the Mixer tab "M.Pad" is used for AUDIO LINK Multi Pads (.wav files assigned to the Multi Pad buttons). If no Audio Link Multi Pad Bank is loaded, you don't need this Mixer tab.

The SX900/700 Owner's Manuals says on page 80:

       (Basic Procedure for the Mixer)
       M.Pad:    Use this display when you want to adjust the balance among the four Audio Link Multi Pads.

Please see also the chapter "Creating a Multi Pad with Audio files (Multi Pad Creator - Audio Link Multi Pad)" in the SX900/700 Reference Manual, pages 54/55.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thanks Chris... I guess i did not key on this  in  your previously response.   Sorry.   I will read the mentioned information.   Best regards!     dom
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!