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What is sound: Preset:/GM2/....

Started by jcm2016, Jan 21, 2022, 07:26 PM

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I received some registrations from the shop I bought my SX900 from.  One of them had a nice trumpet sound.  The bottom left of the screen said its location/path is: Preset:/GM2/Brass DarkTrumpetSoft

When I press the icon for that sound, so take me to the sounds section,  and then repeatedly press the arrow to go up a level, I just end up back at the Preset area, and can't find my way back down that path.  Put away, I don't see any folder called GM2.  So I don't know how to get back to this voice except through the registration.

Any ideas?

Much appreciated.

Disco Musette

Hello JCM2016,
GM, GM2 and XG sounds have not been implemented in the PSR-SX and Genos.
There are therefore additional files to remedy this problem.
To access the GM, GM2 and XG sounds, you must put the GM&XG and GM2 folders on a USB key and call up the sounds via this key.

The DarkTrumpetSoft sound is located in the GM2/Brass/DarkTrumpetSoft folder

Below is the download address for the GM&XG and GM2 files

GM&XG: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
GM2: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

Best regards

Christian, Normandie, France


Thanks for the response.

In my case, I'm finding the sound in the preset area (at least according to the path the is showing in the bottom of the screen).  How would it have gotten there?  I thought sounds that aren't factory would have gone into the User area?   For example, if I download the ones you've linked to, won't they be on the USB stick or can get copied to the User area?


The voices GM, GM2 are in the keyboard but are not visible when we select them from Part.
This is a video that shows how you can access and store them in USER where they will always be available.
English subtitles
Watch my video channel


Just copy the downloaded voices from your USB stick to the User Voice section and use from there.


Thanks everyone for the responses, very helpful