sx 900 volume control color full black cant see level when we use live program

Started by cliffordleo1965, Jan 20, 2022, 12:48 AM

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sx 900 full black color keyboard and  volume control color full black cant see level when we use live program
when we start music style we cant see clearly the level off volume control we need marking or to be like assigning nob type  control with level mark, now we can put one sticker to not down the start a point of volume then it will be useful, let me know your suggestions, i felt this when using for church choir. sound came loud when start music cant see because color, black reflection. so we have to take care.. and sx 00 keyboard output is very nice. comparing older version..   



Yep same problem, I've already done it on my SX-700, but one I've dealt with before. Organ lofts and church environments where you use a keyboard can sometimes be let's say rather dim and sepulchral.

Do this at your own risk of course, but I just use a pin and put the tiniest amount of Tippex along the little slot on the Volume Control. Don't let the Tippex stray onto the knob, as it has a rotary pattern on it which you can feel. Just get it in the slot. You need a steady hand and about ten minutes. Don't put the tippex near the keyboard. Just use the pin.

It immediately shows up very clearly, and is a simple, quick and easy way to solve the problem. Hope it helps you.

Black markings on Black Knobs?? Come on Yamaha. Not very bright if you'll excuse the pun!  ::)


Yup, good suggestion!

Tippex is the common brand for UK Liquid Paper / Wite-Out correction fluid (i.e. white paint), for anyone confused (I did primary school in Canada and secondary in the UK O-Level/ A Level system) so there were a *lot* of words there that initially threw me for a loop. Polystyrene instead of styrofoam, bonnet & boot instead of hood and trunk, the funniest was torch /flashlight (you can imagine how confused I was when I was asked if I had a torch). Or that chips meant fries, and what we call chips they call crisps. Jumper means sweater there (here it's to start a car battery). And pants? Means underwear over there.

The only one I knew beforehand was lorry.  :p

And wait til you hear the 2 different pronunciations of squirrel.

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