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music style

Started by freeplay, Jan 18, 2022, 10:39 PM

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Hello everyone and a happy new year to all, hope everyone is staying safe and well. iI have  a tyros 5 and would like to know what style to play Wind of change .

thank you in advance

Roger Brenizer

I've attached 6 styles for you to try, Margaret.  :)

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Edit: Replaced the above link, which now contains 6 styles.
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Graham UK

Roger. Your Zip only contains one STY ?

Best Wishes. Graham.


thank you roger. Only one style showed up, but thank you

cheers Margaret

Roger Brenizer

I'm not sure why the original ZIP file only contained one style, but I've uploaded the ZIP file again and have verified that it contains 6 styles.  :)
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Ryszard Bieszczad

Hi Roger 👌
The zip file contains 6 styles for which thank you very much.
I will use them in my improvisations.
Greetings 🎹🎵
A day without making music is a lost day :)


Thank you roger. Lovely style goes well my piece of music

cheers Margaret


Thank you Roger.  Bob