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Genos Vocal Harmony always On

Started by rick76, Jan 13, 2022, 04:16 PM

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Any help would be appreciated.

I have the 2 nd pedal assigned for turning on/off harmony during playing
MIDI songs.

When I start each song, the vocal harmony is always "on". I always have to press the pedal to switch it off. I never had this problem on the Tyros5.

What am I doing wrong?


Hi Rick,

The status of the parameter "Vocal Harmony On/Off" can be saved directly in MIDI files (when "Vocal Harmony/Mic Setting" is ticked in "MIDI Multi Recording > Setup") and/or can be memorized to Registrations (when "Vocal Harmony/Mic Setting" is ticked in the "Registration Memory" window (after pressing the "Memory" button)).

In your case, the "Vocal Harmony On" status is probably stored either directly in the MIDI file or, if you work with Registrations, on Registration button #1.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)




Do you happen to know if the vocal harmony on the Genos sounds better than the vocal harmony on the PRS SX900 or would it be exactly the same?

Thank you.