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Locking in the tempo

Started by Howard Bodanske, Jan 12, 2022, 11:53 PM

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Howard Bodanske

When I am searching for a style for my song I would like to lock the tempo, let's say to 80. Then for every style I try I would not have to adjust the default tempo (let's say it is 145) to 80. Then after searching I would be able to unlock the tempo to its default setting. Is this possible?


Hi Howard,

you can do this in "Menu > Style Setting > tab Change Behavior > Tempo".

Set the "Tempo" parameter to "Hold" or "Lock":

Lock: Regardless of playback status, the tempo setting of the previous Style is maintained.

Hold: While the Style is playing back, the tempo setting of the previous Style is maintained. While the Style is stopped, the tempo changes to that of the default tempo of the selected Style.

Reset: Regardless of playback status, the tempo changes to that of the default tempo for the selected Style.

Please see also pages 12/13 in the SX700 Reference Manual. (I posted a link to the SX700 download site in your thread "Delete drum instruments on psr-sx900".)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Howard Bodanske

Thank you soooo much, Chris. I have hundreds of songs that I have to find a style for and locking in the tempo makes it so easy to scroll thru the list of styles to find the right one.



Quote from: Howard Bodanske on Jan 14, 2022, 03:08 PM
Thank you soooo much, Chris. I have hundreds of songs that I have to find a style for and locking in the tempo makes it so easy to scroll thru the list of styles to find the right one.


Thanks for your kind feedback, Howard!

If you use "Hold", you can leave this setting as it is, since it doesn't interfere with normal playing. However, if you work with "Lock", you should switch back to "Reset" or "Hold" when it is no longer needed.

The Style Tempo LOCK function was only introduced on newer models. Earlier keyboards only had HOLD, i.e. if you stopped the Style, always the standard tempo of the Style was used again.

Some Styles are programmed at twice or half the tempo of comparable other Styles. If you encounter such Styles while listening to them with a fixed tempo, you would have to manually set half or twice the target tempo in order to be able to evaluate these Styles.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


I leave my keyboard tempo permanently on "hold" as Chris suggests, as it does not interfere with playing, and also allows changing style in the middle of live playing a song. This can sometimes work better than just changing variation in the same style. And of course it makes it very quick and easy to audition styles as the OP states.
I also have one of the pedals set to "tap in tempo". I find that better and easier than setting a tempo number. I hum the tune in my head, tap in the tempo and start auditioning styles playing a couple of chords from the song. Usually a few seconds is enough to tell you if it is a potential good fit.

Howard Bodanske

Thanks for the extra information and suggestions. Extremely useful.
