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Lessons for SX 900

Started by BOAC, Jan 09, 2022, 11:22 PM

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As much as I want to like the 900, I'm still playing it a year later with a manual in one hand !
I think of all the tech I have ever had, I have never had to constantly refer to a how to manual.
Is there anyone offering (PAID FOR) lessons in the operation of this instrument ?
I'ts particually difficult for me being dislexic reading manuals, especially reference ones is very difficult
I also use a Yamaha ELS2X and never have this problem, the difference in the operational logic between the two is amazing.

I guess the main problem is I only play either for a few hours each week.
So never get enough Image result for repetition of use



It would be better if you told us what it is that is confusing you for us to help more.
  If you just want to sit and play then a good set of registrations will help.


If you look at Nick's posts he is not a typical sit and play arranger owner. I suspect this is why he is spending so much time digging into manuals. Linking with other keyboards, V consul etc are all possible but not majority activities and most of us don't bother with these things. That is why info is difficult.
As far as lessons are concerned, there are definitely people out there who are pretty expert on the more esoteric functions on these keyboards, but lessons .....I doubt it. Most keyboard lessons are on playing rather than technical functions. I think he is stuck with experimenting, looking for specific videos, and asking specific questions on forums like this.


This post is only useful if you understand some German!

I like the onine lessons of Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login in German language (not my mother language but I understand enough to follow the lessons). They are a good mix of playing keyboard/piano and the more technical aspects of the keyboard (registrations, pedals, effects, finding a matching style for a song, style editing, sound modeling, etc). Although the course is oriented to all keyboard brands, the teacher uses a Tyros 5 and an SX700 (and also a digital piano) which makes the lessons perfectly suited for yamaha users. There are some parts of the lessons for free on youtube but the most interesting lessons are of course once you subscribe.
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700


Apologies for not filling in more detail, I'm up to my eyes in work and will expand my problems in a couple of days.
Also thank you Martin DM I'll reply when I can too.




Hi Nick,
I make Keyboard hours live online,... so depending on your location you can take part, usually I make it in German language but I can also make it in English in a private session...

I have my free keyboardworkshops  online mondays 18:30 German time  17:30 Greenwich time
12:30 ET on Facebook and YouTube
there you can ask and I will show the answer in real-time ..

You can watch also the recorded "keyboard Sprechstunde" afterwards on YouTube

Greetings from Germany

Here the recorded parts ..
Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
Genos and Tyros /PSR Support in Germany - Europe with more than
280 keyboardscouts helping in D-AT-CH-NL at your home!
Monday 18:30 (6:30 pm german time) Live tips on youtube


In a thread a few months ago I found out that there are exams in arranger keyboard by one of the UK music schools - I think it was Trinity, and I'm pretty sure it was not ABRSM.  And I think someone on here posted that they give lessons aimed at those exams.  Perhaps those search terms will help you.  Good luck


AndyG is the teacher on this . But I think Andy is mainly about teaching people to play, as are most lessons from music teachers, which is what the exams are about. My impression from the OP is that he is looking for help in the technical resources, things like connectivity, Use of VST consul, etc. I dont think many teachers cover this.


Sorry about pause to my request, been a little busy.
After spending some time with Steve at Yamaha support I thought my problems were over but something odd keeps happening.
My problems are nothing to do with playing the instrument or the sounds it produces. This is nothing to do with Styles, Registrations, etc.
I cannot get to grips with the inner workings of the settings and their memory, In an ideal world there would be a FLOW CHART of the 900 menus file saving which does what & how to save them.
OR. BETTER STILL a SAVE BUTTON that globally saves EVERY SETTING you have changed.
I recently lent the 900 to a friend over Christmas thinking I had memorised all my settings but they don't seem to have saved everything.
So regardless of anything else
These are the things I want to set/save AND HAVE NOTHING EVER OVERRIDE THEM.
1.   Peddle 1 VOLUME (press down loudest) (Reversed) (FC7)
2.   Peddle 2 REGISTRATION step 1 to 9 (FC4A)
3.   Two 61 keyboards operating via MIDI each working just like the 900 single keyboard factory setting but over two keyboards (2nd keyboard is Keystation 61 Mk3
4.   NO Split keyboard So TOP keyboard is RH - Bottom keyboard is LH and accompaniment
5.   LEFT LIVE knob to be bottom keyboard VOLUME
6.   RIGHT LIVE knob Control to be top Keyboard VOLUME
7.   Neither Keyboard to be Transposed - Middle C is same Top & Bottom Keyboard (at the moment Lower Keyboard is 1 octave lower even though lights/settings on both show no transpose.
8.   Save all of the above in a file
9.   Then STOP ANY changes to above by using the FREEZE BUTTON
Even after the courageous help from Steve, the settings I thought (and saved) STILL GET overridden when I select a registration from say a purchased USB or the stick that came with the 900 from the dealer (I only buy these for the registration sounds, I never play the music they were intended for.
In fact I never play previously composed music I only use the 900 to compose.
Part of the problem is my dyslexia and memory I admit it, I have tried to read the manuals but it goes in one eye and straight out the other !!!
The internal logic of the 900 is very difficult to fathom so any advice, guidance, written instructions specific to points 1 – 8 would be well received.
Thanks for your patience.


Hi Nick

Everything you had to do is.

1. Make a START REGISTRATION with all your wishes ...

2. if you use 3rd party regs, FREEZE the parts you don't want to have changed BEFORE selecting the foreign things ...

that is it.

Greetings frank

PS: If you want we can make it in online session ... see my keyboard channel..

Genos and Tyros /PSR Support in Germany - Europe with more than
280 keyboardscouts helping in D-AT-CH-NL at your home!
Monday 18:30 (6:30 pm german time) Live tips on youtube