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Styles for PSR i500

Started by SandeepSaxena, Feb 24, 2021, 09:18 AM

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From this portal which styles can be downloaded and applied to a PSR i500 ? Tks.



Basically all files compatible with the PSR E and EW series. The styles must be in SFF1 format and not greater than 50 MB. It is maybe best to ask your question in the PSR E sub-forum.


Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.




There are "Standard Styles For PSR-1500" under this page

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Onacimus Sahayam
My Styles


Quote from: PSR-USR-IND on Apr 19, 2021, 07:09 PM
There are "Standard Styles For PSR-1500" under this page

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Hi Onacimus,

SandeepSaxena is actually looking for Styles for a PSR-i500 (not PSR-1500). The PSR-i500 is related with PSR-EW410 / PSR-E463, and the it's especially designed to play Indian music:
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Most PSR-1500 Styles should also work on the PSR-i500, but only the extension .STY can be used. Other Style file extensions (e.g. .prs, .sst, .bcs etc.) must be changed to .STY (on the computer).

By the way: I have not found any information on the maximum file size of Style files in the i500 / EW410 / E463 manuals . With earlier comparable models, however, this is a maximum of 50 KB, as mentioned by Vinciane. So if an SFF1 Style is not recognized on your i500, the file size could be too large. (There are some free Style editing tools for the PC (Windows) with which you can delete certain unneeded content from Style files. If you are lucky, the relevant Style can then be loaded on the keyboard.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Sorry, first I never noticed PSR-i500. I thought PSR-1500.
But please try 2 Variations Styles from this page.

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These may helpful. All are in SFF1 and with .sty extension.
Onacimus Sahayam
My Styles



I just purchased PSR-i500 to learn Indian Raags.  I was wondering if I could add new Indian styles to my PSR-i500?
Like different variation of Dadra rhythm.

