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Style Editing-Adjustments on DGX670

Started by Graham UK, Dec 13, 2021, 05:25 AM

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Graham UK

DGX670 Style Editing. Had DGX for just one week so just going through the early frustration learning curve.
Past 15 years with Tyros I'm used to adjusting styles then saving as a user style, as we know these have to be saved to a Registration.

For Info: Having a few styles I wanted to edit on USB including a few DGX styles.
After adjustments were made I saved these with added ? denoting these were edits back to the USB rather than a Registration and all styles played fine showing all my adjustments.
For me this is easier than going through RGT Banks.




HI Graham,  The great thing about our arrangers is there's more than one way to accomplish what we are trying to do.  Thanks for sharing that information.

Graham UK

DGX670 Style Editing. EDIT...Tried saving back to USB today,  it was hit and miss as sometimes it saved with my edits other time it would not !!!
When my edits work I notice the style is duplicated so it's easy to identify.
It's possibly back to saving Style Edits into Registrations but will keep doing more testing ?

I fully understand that this being basically a piano/arranger it's going to have less editing facilities than a keyboard but this DGX OS is more complicated than it should.


Saving your OTS can be tricky to NOT save correctly. You have to be careful if that is the issue with not having the style save all your changes.

It is tough to help you if you are not specific as to what is not being saved and what steps you are actually following with saving your styles. I create custom song styles for every song I gig with. Once you have the style set up correctly nothing can screw it up later on when you move on to a newer keyboard. It will still paly perfect on the new keyboard. 

Graham UK

DrakeM. Yes I fully understand as I have been Style editing on Yamaha keyboards for many-many years.
But the DGX670 OS is a completely different beast to what one is normally used to style editing wise.


Hi Graham,

If you have not already done so, I recommend that you try out all the Direct Access commands listed in the "Direct Access Chart" (DGX-670 Data List, page 78). You may find some commands to bypass the somewhat cumbersome display operation on the DGX-670. :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Graham UK

Chri's. Thank you that's a good point which I have not done so far.



Yes seems like the Direct Access button is our friend.  I don't normally make adjustments to styles I do them via registrations.