Convert MFD's to DGX-670 playlist?

Started by Bromma, Feb 10, 2021, 02:55 AM

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Hi, is there anyone who knows if its possible to convert Music Finder Database-files (MFD) to run in new DGX-670?
If its possible, is Music Finder View the program to do it?


Quote from: Bromma on Feb 10, 2021, 02:55 AM
Hi, is there anyone who knows if its possible to convert Music Finder Database-files (MFD) to run in new DGX-670?
If its possible, is Music Finder View the program to do it?

Welcome to the PSR Tutorial forum, Bromma!

When I read your question, I initially thought it shouldn't be a problem to import Music Finder files (.mfd) to the DGX-670.

With Genos and SX900/700/600 this is very easy to do. When importing an .mfd file, a Registration Bank file (.rgt) and a playlist file (.tsv) are automatically generated for each Music Finder Record in the models mentioned, with which all records (song titles) of the .mfd files used can then be created in playlist mode.

So I looked for this .mfd import function in the DGX-670 Owner's Manual and Reference Manual. To my great surprise, I didn't find anything about it in the DGX-670 manuals. Obviously, Yamaha simply "forgot" this important function on the DGX-670 ... :(

To be absolutely sure, please do the following test on the DGX-670:

- Connect a USB stick with at least one Music Finder file (.mfd) on it.

- Press the [Playlist] button to call up the Playlist display.

- Press "Option" (one of the [8] buttons).

- Press "Select & Save" (one of the [7] buttons).

- Go to the USB1 tab (using the [TAB] buttons). (You may have to press the [Playlist] button again at this point.)

- If you can see the name of the .mfd file, try to SELECT it.

- Now a pop-up should appear, where you can confirm the import process with "YES".

- If the name of the .mfd file is NOT displayed (or it is displayed, but nothing happens when you select it), this function is most likely not implemented on the DGX-670. Theoretically, Yamaha could deliver this .mfd import function via firmware update. But that doesn't help you at the moment ...

Please try out the description above and then get in touch here again!

If you have not already done so, please download the Bonus Playlist from the DGX-670 product page and install it (= copying the unzipped folder to a USB stick) according to the enclosed instructions.

This playlist contains 1,100 (!) Registration Bank files (.rgt), which are linked in 16 Playlist files (.tsv), sorted by genre.
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Best regards,

● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Many thanks, Chris. Which is a good fownloading program for MFDs? I can use suggestions both for Mac and Windows.

Fred Smith

Quote from: Bromma on Feb 10, 2021, 10:28 AM
Many thanks, Chris. Which is a good fownloading program for MFDs? I can use suggestions both for Mac and Windows.

All browsers will download files for you. You don't need any other program.

To view MFDs, MusicFinderView is the best program.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Quote from: Bromma on Feb 10, 2021, 10:28 AM
Many thanks, Chris. Which is a good fownloading program for MFDs? I can use suggestions both for Mac and Windows.

Have you already tried to import a .mfd file into your DGX-670? As mentioned, this function is not documented in the DGX-670 manuals. The only way is to try if it works similar to e.g. PSR-SX models.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


No, I ment download to computer. I understand I can't download directly to DGX-670. I solved the problem downloading to computer


Quote from: overover on Feb 10, 2021, 07:50 AM
Welcome to the PSR Tutorial forum, Bromma!

When I read your question, I initially thought it shouldn't be a problem to import Music Finder files (.mfd) to the DGX-670.

With Genos and SX900/700/600 this is very easy to do. When importing an .mfd file, a Registration Bank file (.rgt) and a playlist file (.tsv) are automatically generated for each Music Finder Record in the models mentioned, with which all records (song titles) of the .mfd files used can then be created in playlist mode.

So I looked for this .mfd import function in the DGX-670 Owner's Manual and Reference Manual. To my great surprise, I didn't find anything about it in the DGX-670 manuals. Obviously, Yamaha simply "forgot" this important function on the DGX-670 ... :(

To be absolutely sure, please do the following test on the DGX-670:

- Connect a USB stick with at least one Music Finder file (.mfd) on it.

- Press the [Playlist] button to call up the Playlist display.

- Press "Option" (one of the [8] buttons).

- Press "Select & Save" (one of the [7] buttons).

- Go to the USB1 tab (using the [TAB] buttons). (You may have to press the [Playlist] button again at this point.)

- If you can see the name of the .mfd file, try to SELECT it.

- Now a pop-up should appear, where you can confirm the import process with "YES".

- If the name of the .mfd file is NOT displayed (or it is displayed, but nothing happens when you select it), this function is most likely not implemented on the DGX-670. Theoretically, Yamaha could deliver this .mfd import function via firmware update. But that doesn't help you at the moment ...

Please try out the description above and then get in touch here again!

If you have not already done so, please download the Bonus Playlist from the DGX-670 product page and install it (= copying the unzipped folder to a USB stick) according to the enclosed instructions.

This playlist contains 1,100 (!) Registration Bank files (.rgt), which are linked in 16 Playlist files (.tsv), sorted by genre.
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Best regards,


I know it's an old thread but I don't think this has been resolved yet.

I can confirm the DGX-670 Playlist function will import a MusicFinder database (I imported the Tyros 5 MFD) and convert it to a DGX-670 playlist. The import process takes a while but I think that's because the keyboard is substituting voices, styles etc from the 'old' keyboard. After that, it works flawlessly.

Like you, I couldn't see the process documented anywhere so that's obviously an omission from the manuals.


Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


New here. I d/led the Bonus Playlist, unzipped and saved the folder to my thumb drive. Is there a way you actually import the Reg files instead?

Also, another noob question. What exactly is Music Finder? Is it a program I would generally use?


Quote from: frozzers on Nov 28, 2021, 06:58 AM

I know it's an old thread but I don't think this has been resolved yet.

I can confirm the DGX-670 Playlist function will import a MusicFinder database (I imported the Tyros 5 MFD) and convert it to a DGX-670 playlist. The import process takes a while but I think that's because the keyboard is substituting voices, styles etc from the 'old' keyboard. After that, it works flawlessly.

Like you, I couldn't see the process documented anywhere so that's obviously an omission from the manuals.



Hi Chris,

Thanks for this confirmation! It is strange that in the DGX-670 manuals they "forgot" to mention the import option for MusicFinder files (.mfd) ...

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Quote from: Jalor1525 on Nov 28, 2021, 11:58 PM
New here. I d/led the Bonus Playlist, unzipped and saved the folder to my thumb drive. Is there a way you actually import the Reg files instead?

Also, another noob question. What exactly is Music Finder? Is it a program I would generally use?

Hi Jalor,

welcome to the PSR Tutorial Forum!

You can use the Registrations directly from the USB stick:

- On the DGX-670, press the Registration Memory [BANK] button to call up the Registration Bank Selection display.
- Select the USB1 tab.
- Navigate to the desired folder and select the desired Bank file by using the Cursor buttons.
- Press one of the green-lit Registration Memory buttons (1 - 4) to load one of the Registrations contained in the currently loaded Registration Bank. (In Registration Banks of Bonus Playlists (and Playlists from imported MusicFinder files) there is only ONE Registration (each on button #1).

The "Music Finder" is a function of earlier Yamaha keyboards (up to the Tyros5), which is based on the OTS (One Touch Settings) of the Styles used.

Each Style file contains (usually) 4 OTS. A single OTS is something like a "stripped down" Registration. (You can save considerably more parameters in a Registration than in an OTS. For details, please see the "Parameter Chart" in the Data List of your keyboard.)

When the Music Finder function is switched on, OTS LINK and SYNC START are automatically activated on the relevant (earlier) keyboard. By selecting a specific song title (called "Record") in the Music Finder display:
- a certain Style is loaded,
- the Tempo is set to match the song,
- a certain INTRO is activated, if nessassary,
- a certain Style Main Variation is activated,
- a certain OTS is activated, which then automatically makes the panel settings (e.g. keyboard voices, part volumes, multi pad selection).

Since, as I said, Music Finder Records are always linked to the OTS of the Styles used, it was time for an "update". Since the introduction of the Genos, there is now the Playlist function instead of the Music Finder. Here you have a lot more options, as Playlists are no longer based on OTS but on Registrations.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)



Following up my earlier post, I've looked more closely at the new Tyros 5 playlist and see that the keyboard has only imported 500 records from the 1825 Tyros 5 MFD records.

The DGX-670 specs show that the maximum number of records for a playlist is 500 which explains why I only got 500 from the Tyros 5 MFD.

Initially, I was surprised to see that the playlist had entries for nearly all letters of the alphabet - first entry is 'A Kind Of Magic', last is 'Your Cheatin' Heart' - but using MusicFinderView, I can see that the Tyros 5 MFD records are by default stored in numerical and not alphabetical order. So the playlist import process has taken the first 500 numerically and ignored the rest.

I note that you found a solution here for the PSR SX-600 which has the same playlist limitation:

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I'd now like to split the Tyros 5 MFD into 4 sections of 500 or less records using MusicFinderView but there doesn't seem to be an easy way of selecting multiple records. Is there an easy way to select multiple records as opposed to one at a time?


Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


OK I've managed to sort this out.

Using MusicFinderView, I split the Tyros 5 MFD into three sets of delimited text files of 500 records and the last set with 325 records.

I opened a blank MFD in MusicFinderView and then imported the text files one at a time saving each as MFD files.

I then opened each of the MFDs in the DGX-670 Playlist function and I now have four separate Tyros 5 MFD playlists.


Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


Thanks for your detailed feedback, Chris!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Question. Given the small numbers of preinstalled songs to choose from in Playlist, how/where can I import more? I do not nor will I use any Ixxx media. I am an Android user. I cannot find any other songs to import.

I was also a bit disappointed that the Bonus Playlist only included the Reg files, which I am greatly appreciative, but I do wish the songs were included so I can learn them (at least some of them).


Quote from: Jalor1525 on Dec 03, 2021, 09:52 PM
Question. Given the small numbers of preinstalled songs to choose from in Playlist, how/where can I import more? I do not nor will I use any Ixxx media. I am an Android user. I cannot find any other songs to import.

I was also a bit disappointed that the Bonus Playlist only included the Reg files, which I am greatly appreciative, but I do wish the songs were included so I can learn them (at least some of them).

Hopefully, my reply in the other thread has clarified this.

For the record, the Bonus Playlist, although it contains registrations ('rgt' files) they're not 'full' registration banks. They only load into Registration button 1. To access the different variations, you have to press 'OTS Link'. They're not 'Songs' of the type you would load through the Song menu. Yamaha have merely given song names to each of the Playlist records.



Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


I do realize the Bonus Playlist loads only 1 Reg. Is there anywhere that one could get full bank regs? I was lucky enough to find 1 that a YouTube video made available.

Regarding copying variations to the Reg banks, isn't redundant? Couldn't i simply select A, B, C or D....


Quote from: Jalor1525 on Dec 13, 2021, 12:08 PM
I do realize the Bonus Playlist loads only 1 Reg. Is there anywhere that one could get full bank regs? I was lucky enough to find 1 that a YouTube video made available.

Regarding copying variations to the Reg banks, isn't redundant? Couldn't i simply select A, B, C or D....

I'm not aware of any 'full' registration banks being available elsewhere. Unfortunately, the DGX-670 won't load registrations from other keyboards either so we're stuck with creating our own.

Yes of course you can just select variations A-D (with the OTS LINK selected). The point I made in the other thread was that saving a style with its OTS variations as a registration will make the style easier to find. Unless you've got a good memory knowing where a particular style is located, it can often be a pain to locate it. And, unfortunately, there is no search function on the DGX-670.

But the main reason for creating a registration bank for a particular style is to give you full control over the style. If you just use the OTS, you're stuck with the fixed settings.


Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


Thanks again. Your knowledge is very helpful.
Happy Holidays.