often styles louder than melody

Started by dr4sight, Jan 12, 2023, 01:38 PM

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I record on average two songs per day on my DGX-650.  After playing I'll go to my PC and using Audacity I will fine tune what I can to make the song more presentable.

What I've found over recent months is that on playback I've allowed the styles to almost drown out my own playing.  I am wondering whether others have found that to be the case on their own instruments.  If so, can someone offer a suggestion to improve the balance between these two things?

Hopefully the responses won't just say, "turn down the style volume." or other simplistic stuff.  Usually while I am playing the song things sound fine otherwise I'd stop and restart the recording process.  It's only when I get to the processing stage I hear that my part is playing more in the background than the foreground.

Thanks for any productive thoughts on the subject.




Are you recording a single stereo audio output fron the DGX, which has the style and meldy parts playing together?

If so ... then really the only advice *is* to turn down the style volume. What else do you think you can do to an already mixed audio recording?


Hi Larry,

I recommend that you don't record the songs directly with Audio Recording, but first as a MIDI file, i.e. with MIDI Recording. You can later change everything in the MIDI files as you wish (e.g. volumes, voices, effects). Only when everything fits as desired do you make the audio recording (play MIDI file and record at the same time with Audio Recording). If you have an Audio interface for your computer, you can of course also record the Audio with the computer (e.g. with Audacity).

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Don't record the whole song. Record just half the song and then play back the recording. If the style is to load then turn the OTS volumes up 10 notches.

Record half the song again and listen to the recording again. make your adjustments to the OTS. Repeat this process until you have it correct.

Then save the style as a CUSTOM style so you won't have to do this again when you use the style in the future.


Thanks for all the replies.
I will look into all the suggestions.
