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PSR-SX 700 Legato not working.

Started by Bob L, Nov 30, 2021, 01:47 PM

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Bob L

Page 63 of the manual seems to indicate that The PSR-SX 700 should play legato but I can't seem to get it to work with a Super Articulation Voice selected. 

Example Saxophone Voice: If you play a C note and than an adjacent D in a very legato way, you will hear the note change seamlessly, as though a saxophone player played it in a single note.
Example Concert Guitar Voice: If you play a C note and then the E note above in a very legato but firm way, the pitch slides up from C to E.

I'm not getting these effects. The manual does not say that it is exclusive to the PRS-SX900 so I'm assuming I'm doing something wrong.

Thanks in advance for your help,


Hi Bob,

I have Genos and as Francesco says I would also assume those SA (1) voices should play on the PSR - by default. (The ability to turn on and off some SA effects is unlikely to be present on the PSR as it applies only to SA2 voices which are not available).

The saxophone effects are quite subtle and probably difficult to identify doing a few practice keystrokes.
Playing individual notes non legato means that each note turns off before the next is triggered as you might expect, complete with its initial attack. Playing legato where the previous note is not released before the next is pressed results in the initial attacks being reduced so a smoother progression of the melody frequencies results compared with playing non legato. There is no gliding or bending involved.
If it helps to identify a difference try holding down the first note of a sequence with your thumb while playing the higher notes with fingers, then compare with playing staccato. As I said it can be subtle and may come to light more when playing actual songs with expression!
Some guitars like Concert additionally provide a bend as well as responding to "normal"legato playing as above.
To practice the bend:
Say: Play C above mid C with the thumb. While keeping latter in place hit any higher note 1 to 5 semitones away and provided enough velocity is used that note will bend up to its pitch. If the attempt fails release the C and start the whole exercise again. Hint - try using fore or middle fingers to start with. They are more likely to have the strength!
Any key can be the start note provided the bending note is within 1 to 5 semitones above.
Hope this helps  ;)


Hi, I entered the forum to ask the same question.  I have a SX600 and I'm not able to make the slide legato on the guitar, in fact, I'm not able to make the legato in the same way as I can hear pressing the "demo" button of the instrument,  or that one that sounds on the first demo song, or the "rec and share" demo.I think I'm doing something wrong, I keep practicing and trying with the JazzGuitarAmp, for example, but I can't get a clear legato,  i just get two notes separated. I suppose i would get like an slide from one note to tne other, right?
Same on the ConcertStrings, I can't get a sweet transition from one note to the next, but i just get two separate notes. I think I haven't touched any settings and it would be the strangest keyboard failture to happen...