Selecting a Saved Registration Bank, song list doesn't show up.

Started by Kauaiguy, Nov 20, 2021, 12:05 AM

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When I select a Saved Registration Bank, it loads it into the registration keys but the list of songs doesn't show up on the screen?
The registration keys 1-8 has the correct songs, but the list of songs doesn't show up.

For example I saved a Registration Bank called Mar2020 and it contain 8 songs.  So when I press Regist Bank Select, It bring up a list of banks one of which is my Mar2020 Bank.  When I press the screen to select that Bank, the Registration Memory Keys all light up because I have 8 Songs save in them.

All Registration memory keys all contain the correct songs, but the list doesn't show up on the screen as it should.  So what went wrong and how would you fix this?  Please advise.

Thanks in advance.



Hi Kauaiguy,

Which "list" should be displayed here? You can give each individual Registration in a Bank a name (in the "Regist Bank Edit" display, quickly accessed via "Direct Access" followed by one of the "Regist Bank -/+" buttons). You can see the name of the currently loaded Registration in the Home display.

You can also find an overview (list) of all Registration names of the currently loaded Bank in the "Regist Bank Info" display, which you can access with "Direct Access" followed by one of the Reg buttons 1-4 (= Voice info) or one of the Reg buttons 5-8 (= Style info).

By the way, in my opinion the easiest (best) possibility is NOT to work with several different songs in a Registration Bank, but to use a separate Bank for each song (and name the Bank file with the name if the song).

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thanks for your reply.  Although your suggestions didn't do as I wanted, it helped me figure out how to display the song list in all 8 memory bank keys contained within my saved Mar2020 Bank.  I was able to display the list in an edit mode.

Fred Smith

Quote from: Kauaiguy on Nov 20, 2021, 05:01 PM
Thanks for your reply.  Although your suggestions didn't do as I wanted, it helped me figure out how to display the song list in all 8 memory bank keys contained within my saved Mar2020 Bank.  I was able to display the list in an edit mode.

Edit mode is the only way to display what you call a "song list".

Christ still has the best advice, though -- use one bank per song.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hi Kauaiguy,

Thanks for your quick feedback!

If you (as I mentioned) use a separate Registration Bank for each song, this has the advantage that the Bank files are automatically sorted alphabetically. So you can find every song very quickly. If (for whatever reason) you put multiple songs in each Registration Bank, you might want to work with the Playlist feature. Here you can create an entry ("Playlist Record") for each song, via which the relevant Registration Bank is loaded and the relevant Registration (the correct Registration button) is automatically called up.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


According to the Instructional Manual, you can create a "Playlist" (which I've done).  Each song in the playlist is assigned a Registration memory button from 1-8.  Then you can save the entrie thing under ONE filename or Bankname, and this is what I've created called -Mar2020.  In this manner you can bring up the one file/Bank that contains the 8 songs you want to play instead of searching and loading each song you want to play.

By depressing  both the Regist/Bank Select buttons, you are able to bring up the folder (or Bank) that contains all the 8 songs contained within that bank/folder (Mar2020) and the eigh songs are automatically loaded into each registration Keys 1-8 (and they are).  The problem is that when I use to do this, the names of the songs are automatically displayed on the screen, but now they don't show up.  Only the main Bank/File name is shown (Mar2020), and when you press on this Bank Name it won't open up any further as it used too.  It makes it difficult to play a particular song by just looking at the list  and know what Registration key to press to load the song. 

As I said they only way I can now show the list is to go into the Edit mode.  All I can think of is something must have corrupted the file that lists all the songs contained in that file/Bank.  Just trying to clarify what I'm trying to do.  Thanks for all the help.



Quote from: Fred Smith on Nov 20, 2021, 05:18 PM

Christ still has the best advice, though -- use one bank per song.

I didn't realize he was a member of this forum :).  Sorry Fred I couldn't resist, I know you meant to write Chris, it was just a typo.

Fred Smith

Quote from: stephenm52 on Nov 20, 2021, 06:57 PM
I didn't realize he was a member of this forum :).  Sorry Fred I couldn't resist, I know you meant to write Chris, it was just a typo.

Good one. One of my better typos. Or Freudian slip.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


If you go into Registration Bank Edit here you can name what is on each of the eight registration buttons. Enter the song name and then save the bank. When you select one you will see the title on the top left of the screen where it says Regist.
  I use this for entering the voice on a button so if I need a piano I can easily select the right one.