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Style Creator issues

Started by quasar, Nov 17, 2021, 12:17 PM

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Hi everyone!
I´m creating a new style for a pop song and I wanted to know if it´s possible to copy measures from one channel to another one. I mean, in Main A, the bass line starts at measure 1 and I want to take it to measure 5th in Intro 2. I tried to do that in Assembly option but it takes you measure 1 in Intro 2. Is that possible or not?
If it´s not: what kind of software can be used to do that job?

The Remove Event feature?: what is this used for?

Thank you very much for your replies,


What you did was correct, but then to move to Measure 5 you'd have to cut the bassline (use Multi select and select all the notes and control changes *after* the program changes) and then paste it back in starting at the same point in measure 5.

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Mark Wilburn


Thank you Mark
I´ll try this out