request for knowledge: Voices. Wiki of all voices on Yamaha Keyboards

Started by aalhad.saraf, Nov 14, 2021, 11:27 PM

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Wouldn't it be nice to have a compendium of all the voices available in Yamaha Keyboards. It could have information like
History - how did it get its name (for example, off the top of my head, I do not know about - "HonkyTonk" ... or "CP80" or "Venus EP" ...)
People with sharp discerning ears, and an exposure to many different kinds of real world instruments could tell us about what real world instruments were used to create the samples in the Yamaha keyboards. Any hints or tips about using a particular voice - for example - pitch bending and overdrive guitar ...
A list of real world music where these voices can  be spotted ... pieces to study and examine how a particular voice has been used effectively - and maybe sheet music and midi files for study. (There could be more things possible ... )

It would be a nice idea to have an online wiki of all these voices - maybe, even a good idea to publish it as a PDF/Epub or even a paper addendum book for the official manual. A definitive guide to understanding, appreciating and using each voice.

Thank you, awesome people!