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Style request

Started by madakaben, Oct 06, 2021, 12:24 PM

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Any Style close to Dura by Daddy Yankee. Sx700

Roger Brenizer

I only have 1 Daddy Yankee style file, which I've attached, but it's for Gasolina, Madakaben.  :)

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Hi thank you for the reply and style. However the style didn't work on my sx700. Tried changing drum kit channels but still didn't work for me. Could you please tell me which drum kit I'm supposed to use ?



This style only uses the standard drumkit and XG voices so it should work fine on the SX700 (I cannot test it right now on my SX700 but I will do so later on).
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700




I tested it on my SX700 and indeed the style does not work well. Variation A sounds quite OK but all other variations seem to have a problem with the drums. I checked with Revo Drum Cleaner but that is not the issue. The style was created midi2style and my bet is that the creator only focused on part A. Unless something escapes me?
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700