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It is not easy to buy an Ipad

Started by Jeff Hollande, Aug 24, 2021, 06:41 AM

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Jeff Hollande

Hi :

It ain't easy to buy the right iPad for a Yamaha keyboard. 😜

I feel sorry to experience that :
Most local Mac/Apple salesmen ( in a shop or on line ) are not familiar with :

01.arranger keyboards and midi, to connect an iPad and an arranger keyboard, software knowledge,
04.selection of the right iPad for particular music applications. 😥

I am sure some members here know all the answers and advices I need to buy ( new or second hand ) the iPad I want.

Thank you ( in advance ) for your help, support, knowledge and suggestions.

Best regards, JH


Most I pads will work with Yamaha keyboards. I use an I pad pro.

Fred Smith

Virtually any iPad will do what you want, Jeff. Just buy one and get started.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Jeff Hollande

Thank you, Eileen and Fred !
How old can an iPad be to do the job(s) well ?

Which editing Apps do you recommend ?

Many thanks for your feedback.

Regards, JH


How old? I would not recommend any used iPad that is too old to run the latest version of iOS (or iPadOS, whatever Apple calls it these days). In other words, I'd stick to the models that are green in the "Highest supported operating system" row of the tables in the following article:

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Jeff Hollande

Hi Fred  :

I have bought a brand new IPad.
I am looking for a DAW.
Which App should you recommend ?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,  Jeff


Quote from: Jeff Hollande on Sep 05, 2021, 11:28 AM
Hi Fred  :

I have bought a brand new IPad.
I am looking for a DAW.
Which App should you recommend ?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,  Jeff

Hello Jeff,

I'm interested to know if you where able to find a suitable and a good DAW for your iPad pro, I have been reading and investigating for these kind of software that could be use, . but most of them are very realted for making or constructing music upon prei nstalled  sequences and not for editing or  exporting/importing midi files from your yamaha keyboard. Cubasis, Music Studio, FL Studio Mobile, could be an alternative, but most of the things those Apps have, is for editing and constructing music based on pre installed drum settings, and other music production staff, and for editing simple things, but not constructing or editing complex midi files, fix control change, sysex etc etc, they do not and have all the facilities that perhaps Daw,s like Calkewalk, Mixmaster or some others have. i think those iPad daw Apps are oriented mainly for music production. The thing is what to expect or what are your specific needs for using a DAW software on your iPad. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find an iPad DAW App that could replace the basic things that I can do/mnage with Mixmaster or whith Cakewalk, at the end I have to go back to my old PC and use those very good software programs. Perhaps I'm wrong and my apologies for that, I also want to know from others their experience and needs.

I'll appreciate very much your thoughts, and from others with ipad daws software.

Best regards

👍🏻 Don't worry be happy!