Sure wish the LED’s on the screen would be brighter

Started by mgbchuck, Sep 07, 2021, 04:27 PM

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Howdy... I don't know if anyone else has this problem or not... But I sure wish that the LED read out on the screens and even all the lights were a lot brighter than they are. I play a lot of outdoor gigs during the summertime and fall... And man are those Screens hard to read. I'm glad that I have everything mostly memorized... Because I can barely even see the Screen... Or what buttons are lit up. I was just wondering if anybody else has that issue. Indoors it's no problem... But Yamaha certainly didn't think about the people playing outdoors. A lot of times I'm playing under a tent... And it's still hard to read. Just my gripe.......That's all


I am plagued with the exact same problems on my S975.

A thought I've had but have not tested yet is whether sunglasses help any. Might other giggers have experience and feedback regarding sunglasses?

- Royce
DGX-305, Roland E60, S900, S910, S975, Center Point Stereo Spacestation V.3, Bose L1 Compact
PSR Performer page

Toril S

This is a problem with all keyboards! I solve this by making a folder for the gig, where the songs are placed in the order that I want to play them. So I just press the next button. That may sound rigid, not so much room for sudden requests and such, but as a visually impaired person I have to do it this way many times. There have been some posts about people making shields around the screen to keep out the light. Filter sunglasses may help some, but you have to try out what kind of color and filter is best for you, so some trial and error here. Sunglasses without filter will probably not help.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

John UK

Can you get/find a high brightness monitor to connect to the video out?
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This has VGA connector which is rarer nowadays but the brightness is lower at 800cdm2 than other models.


I had the exact problem with spotlights from an outdoor tent stage... I couldn't see the screen at all, so we turned off the spotlights pointed right at me (the ones off to the sides were fine though), John is correct, a VGA out to a brighter screen would work, but extra electronics to lug around (unless you use an iPad, that's pretty portable)

Most people have just used the 'shade' method of putting a cardboard/plastic sun visor above the screen itself., as pointed out by user soryt
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Mark Wilburn