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My first question about the Genos.

Started by Dutchman, Sep 26, 2021, 05:26 PM

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I'm about to get me the Genos after many years of enjoying my psr3000.
I was wondering though if I could use the many psr3000 styles I gathered through the years on the genos or aren't they compatible?

It's not essential but it would be nice to be able to use at least some of my favorite styles on the Genos too.

Thanks in advance.


that would be no problem, Dutchman


PSR Performer Page                                  IT'S EASY TO BE THE SHIP'S CAPTAIN WHEN THE  SEAS ARE CALM

Proud Genos2 owner
Former boards  PSR2100, PSR 910, TYROS 4,  TYROS 5 and Genos



You are in for a real treat upgrading to Genos from the PSR 3000!  All of the styles I tweaked while having a PSR 2000 and PSR 3000 and then Tyros 2,3,4.and 5 all sound excellent on my Genos. My ancient "Gem" styles are still available here and work great on Genos.  I've always liked Yamaha's point in making all their keyboards backwards compatible. Let the fun begin !!  -charley


Thank you both for your quick answer.

I'm realy happy that I don't have to start collecting and making styles all over.
So I could just put my most favorite psr3000 styles onto a usb stick and access them on the genos?

I'm realy looking forward to the upgrade and finaly be able to afford a genos.
I enjoy my psr3000 a lot and almost every day, I only make music in a recreative manner no performing whatsoever.
I already played organ when I was four years old, we used to have this old pump organ and couldn't reach the pump with my short legs so my dad took me on his lap and I played tunes from the radio while he was pumping.

I'm 55 years old now and have had several keyboards the psr3000 being the last one.
As I said, I'm realy looking forward to upgrade to the Genos, it's sound and possibilities are amazing.


They will play just fine, but you should be prepared to do some tweaking.


Yes, they'll work just fine, but you'll want to revoice them, using the much better sounds that the Genos has to offer, and you'll probably need to do a little rebalancing. But that's for later, start by enjoying them as they are. :)
It's not what you play, it's not how you play. It's the fact that you're playing that counts.


Thank you for taking the time answering my question.

Doing some tweaking isn't a problem at all, I tweak my favorite styles constantly, to make them sound just that little bit better.
I'm already happy that they're backwards compatible.

I think I'm in for a real treat!

Toril S

Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page