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erase vocals

Started by smiling jack, Aug 27, 2021, 11:16 AM

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smiling jack

Greetings! All, how do I erase vocals from a mp3 song, I have Audicity but can't  figure it out. Many thanks for your answers.. regards, Jack


I think you need the correct version of audacity. And it might also be complicated depending on how the vocal has been recorded. If you google 'tutorial on how to remove  vocals from MP3 using audacity' you can find detailed videos to help.

Fred Smith

Quote from: smiling jack on Aug 27, 2021, 11:16 AM
Greetings! All, how do I erase vocals from a mp3 song, I have Audicity but can't  figure it out. Many thanks for your answers.. regards, Jack

There's lots of software, and hardware (eg, Genos), that says they can do this, but it never works. You'd be better off looking for a version of the song without vocals.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
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Try this service. Great and simple but the end result depends on how the song was recorded. The link is below the video.
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There *is* one that can do it nearly perfectly. And no surprise, it's actually from Yamaha (Steinberg, owned by Yamaha)

The professional version of Cubase, instead of using vocal cancel, uses the midi (yes, like they use for chord tracker) to find the melody, and then remove *that* note from the song. How good is it? Peter Baartmans uses it all the time in his demos; like he'll take Michael Jackson singing on a track like Ben, and remove the vocal and isolate the vocals only (removing all the instrumentation... the way the software works, if you can isolate the vocal track, you can subtrack it from the background music and leave a music minus one karaoke track behind, but Peter uses that isolated vocal track to play along with)

He jokingly says that he does that because he can't sing, so he lets the original artist do the singing.

This is the same demo he performed here, and at other Yamaha dealers:

Mind you, the professional version of Cubase that has this isn't cheap; last time I saw it in stock it was $699.

I just saw ckobu's suggestion, and it appears to be based on the same type of algorithm. And it's free! But how do I save the processed file?


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Mark Wilburn


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Mine didn't have a Save Music or Save Vocal button; however when I just clicked on "Music" or "Vocal" it *did* save those mp3's.... thanks cboku!

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Mark Wilburn

smiling jack

Thanks everbody, it all sounds too complicated for this weak mind, I'll just forget about it. best regards, Jack..


Hi all,

I occasionally use the (Windows) program "Riffstation". This can, among other things, be used to remove the vocals from Audio files or isolate the vocals. However, as with most similar programs, this does not work equally well for all files.

"Riffstation" was originally a paid program that was later offered as freeware. As far as I know, the download is currently only available from the Internet archive pages, e.g. here:
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Here you can find a lot of pictures of the "Riffstation" program:
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Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi pal!

I can do it for you, send me the mp3 file


Luis Miguel

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