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Clavanova user

Started by Llbeck02, Aug 30, 2021, 11:05 PM

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I'm new to this forum (obviously) but really glad that I found it. I just finished downloading Joe Waters' extensive database of MIDI files. I wish that I had found it earlier! I've been accumulating my own database of several 100 MIDI files from various sources and never knew that Joe's database existed. Now that I've found this forum and database, I plan to Joyfully use both. Good to be with this group.

Roger Brenizer

Hi Llbeck02,

Welcome to the forum and thank you for becoming a member.  Thank you, also, for supporting our forum.  I'm sure you'll learn a lot about your Clavinova here on the forum and will experience many pleasurable hours playing it.

Because you like midi files, you will find many such files in the Charter Member's section that our members, including myself, have uploaded for your use.  You have access to these files, because you are a Supporter.  :)

You'll want to be sure to visit the Home page and check out some of the tutorials you will find links to there.  The following link will take you to the Home page of the website:

You'll also gain access to an Excel Song Index database, made available to supporting members by our good friend Peter (XeeniX), which presently contains more than 101,000 song titles in 2,602 indexed books.  This index is updated often.

You may also order any of the websites resources, which can be found at the following link:

We're so glad you've decided to become a member and very happy you've decided to become a part of this great forum family.  If you have any questions, then please just ask.  Many of our members are always very willing to help you.
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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