Help needed DGX670 editing Styles,Reg,Playlist setup....

Started by Dnj, Oct 20, 2021, 09:01 AM

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Hi everyone...
In these crazy times we are all enduring I was able to acquire a Yamaha DGX670 Piano arranger KB. The OS seems to do things a bit differently then what I am used to on all my other genos, Psr S units etc..
I have browsed the manual which is not that clear.
I have owned and played almost every Yamaha arranger kb to this point so please excuse my ignorance with these questions.

1- I am trying to edit a USER style RH main & Layer Volumes and resave to style but each time it defaults back to factory.

2- I use 1 REG per song..... do I need a bank folder or can I use only the 1-4 buttons in each bank for songs.

3- How can I  setup one playlist of ALL songs..?

Thanks in advance for any help with this ..

Graham UK

Dnj. I purchased the DGX670 and I also had your problem.
To save an edited style it has to be saved in registrations.The downside is even the simplest editing you have to go through the MENU which is a pain every time.
As you stated the OS is not to normal yamaha standards...too many button pushing to obtain what one wants to do.


Personally I find it quite easy to navigate thru the DGX670 manually using buttons which I prefer over the touch screen
Everyone does it differently but up till now I am enjoying the DGX670 for my needs...
good luck in your musical journey.