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Midi Files and SX600

Started by shezza, Aug 21, 2021, 02:49 AM

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Over the years I have accumulated hundreds of Midi files on floppy disk's, could I put these on a USB stick and play them and or load them onto a SX600 to change the instrument's around. Or could I use a floppy disk drive and plug it into the USB like the PSR3000. 


USB transfer is way better but use USB2.0 not the faster USB 3.0 drives. I'm using USB2.0 on my 900 to hold my playlists and midis with not issue at all.  If you need to edit any midis then PSRUTI software is designed to edit midis for Yamaha keyboard and you can do lots with the software (it's free too) I mainly use it to drop the midi master volume so I can play along with the midi and also mute any lead/melody tracks (and you can even change keys!)
Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550