Converting MFD files to SX900 Playlists

Started by ChrisH, Aug 17, 2021, 10:02 AM

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Hi Guys

Just about given up on these now .. I have tried Tyros 4 and 5 as well as S950 MFD's and they all convert to a playlist pretty easily HOWEVER ..when you use them .. this is what happens!   
(1) The intro starts no problem BUT the style is virtually the same for every single song ..the tempo just changes but it always seems to use the default SX900 style ..very strange!!
(2) I am a lazy player so I use "auto chords" so single finger for majors, added black key to the left for minors and added white key to the left for 7th's ... majors work OK but anything else sound very strange indeed so totally unusable unless the whole song is using root chords.
Just to make sure it's not me messing up I DO have the SX900 bonus pack installed and every song works like a dream and the chords all work too!!!  Are there any MFD files that will work OK with the SX900 like the bonus pack from Yamaha do????
Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550


Hi ChrisH, we've no bonus pack available with the SX900; you've some free expansion pack for new styles, voices, registrations, ... You've installed the playlist pack for the SX900; this plylist use the preste styles of your keyboard only! when you've installed the MFD of the Tyros 5; this playlist is also using the styles of the SX900; some styles are missing from the Tyros 5 so the SX900 use a defaut style; you'll have the same style and the same tempo for all theses entries; but you've a lot of very good songs with the right styles, variations and voices to play with; so you're lucky! you can make your own playlist with your own styles; all the best Patrick


Thanks Patrick

I downloaded the BonusPlaylistforYamahaSX-900 zip file so I assume you are talking about the same thing?? I'll stick with that then or otherwise see if I can modify the T4 or T5 converted MFD's  ...I tried about 20 or 30 of the T5 MFD from country thru to rock and the styles are really all the same default one with the tempo adjusted  .. Any idea why the minor, sevenths and minor seventh chords don't play correctly ????
Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550


You will fin the bonus Playlists on the free download page of the SX900. Make sure you scroll right to the bottom of the list.


SOLUTION!!!!!   I have no idea why BUT if you take an MFD file into the SX900 and convert it to a Playlist it DOES work BUT the styles sound awful ..that is because converted MFD's cannot support "one finger" chords .. if seem that the style needs to use all three notes at least of a chord so eg: for CMajor if you just press the "C" key with ACCMP on the style doesn't play the backing correctly but if you play a standard 3 finder chord like C+E+G for C Major the style sounds perfect ..

Also I found if you select a preset style direct from the keyboard it ALSO seems to not play the correct backing of the style BUT play a full chord and it sounds perfect ...seemingly the ONLY time you can use "one finger chords" on the SX900 is if you use the Yamaha Bonus Playlist (I guess the file has enough information from the playlist to play the style correctly.  I was just running thru the keyboard style presets and pushing a single key to preview sounded awful BUT a chord sounded awesome

Anyone else found this that uses "one finger chords" discovered this or do I have something turned off on my keyboard ??? or is it essential to use full chords on your left hand??
Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550


Thanks Eileen

BTW Your T5 MFD now works perfectly BUT I have to play full left hand chords (I do have the Bonus already installed)
Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550

Fred Smith

Quote from: ChrisH on Aug 18, 2021, 10:03 AM
Thanks Eileen

BTW Your T5 MFD now works perfectly BUT I have to play full left hand chords (I do have the Bonus already installed)

You don't state whether that's a problem, but if it is, do two things:
— set the fingering you prefer
— turn Fingering on in Parameter Lock.

Now registrations won't change your fingering.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Awesome Fred

Didn't know that option existed!!  I can do either but sometimes "auto chords" are a tad easier!!  Many Thanks for that!!
Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550


Hi Fred

I went into options and selected the fingering for the one finger mode and it was already set to that so I locked the parameter and it STILL doesn't play the full style unless you play a full chord ..same with converted MFD files BUT the only ones that it works with regardless of whether the parameter is locked or not is the playlist from Yamaha so I'm puzzled!!!  I guess maybe full chords are just easier!!
Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550


You need to select Multi fingering to play both one fingered chords or full fingered chords. It then lets you do both.


Eileen ... You are a STAR ..My display just said "AI Fingered" and "AI Full Keyboard" then I saw the arrows on the right and saw the options you talk about ..Awesome it's set on Multifingered  now and works like a charm .. (With triad chords I struggle getting 7th's with a 4th finger) so being able to use single options as well is brilliant!!  Thanks so much!!!   Chris
Currently : Tyros 4 Keyboard    Previous Keyboards : SX900, S650, E-373 and S550

