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tyros 5 ensemble voices midi

Started by CRTyros, Aug 14, 2021, 09:35 AM

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hi all tyros experts!

I have a quick question: when using ensemble voices where is the midi output? When I look at the midi screen (transfer screen) I only see the Right 1 midi channel meaning the actual midinotes that I play, but I can not find where the actual devisi midi notes are outputed?



When recording to midi ensemble uses four tracks Left R1 R2 R3 for the four instruments you are playing.


Hi Thanks for the response.

I know that the EV use R1,R2,R3 and Left that is given. I also found out that they voices are not regular voices i.e. trumpet but rather come form a folder called ensemble voices.

If you record the ensemble voices using R1 (Port 1 Ch 1) the playback is not reflected on the other remaining voices.
If you record the ensemble voices using R1, R2, R3 and Left at the same time you get the actual voices but not the divisi notes. For example I use a EM9 then each voice should spread out on the four channels and that is not happening.

This is really annoying, please anyone with more information would be kindly appreciated.


Toril S

The T5 has a good sequencer. Record your song on the keyboard, then work with it in your DAW afterwards. Maybe that will work?
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


You have 2 main ways to produce the harmony,

1. by using your fingers, often 4, to play the chord in the area above the split point, or anywhere on the KB if it is "Full".

2. With a style running (ACMP and Style Start on) you can play with 1 finger to the right of SP while playing the chords in the LHand and having the Auto harmony switched on, ie. similar to playing with a normal non-Ensemble setup.

If you are finding the 4 voices do not separate into discrete harmony notes (when all are active) please consider the above.
If you have further problems I suggest you click on 1 of the Preset Ensembles and explore that first. (Hopefully it should work straight away after selecting  ;)).

With the default All Parts midi setting the transmitted channels are 1,2,3,4 (R1.2.3 and Left parts.) You should be able to see this happening in real time if you
look at the Transmission monitor in the midi settings.
