Style request for Vengaboys - Shalala lala

Started by Christopher Fernandes, Aug 02, 2021, 06:34 AM

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Christopher Fernandes

Hey everyone, there's a gettogether event this weekend and along with other songs, I needed a style that goes with this song: Shalala lala by Vengaboys. Could be a Yamaha preset or a custom style for this song. I'm a charter member, so if there are some resources from that board, I can access them too. Thanks a lot!

Regards, Chris.
Current Instruments: Yamaha PSR-SX900/Epiphone DR100 AG

Gear: Yamaha KS-SW100 Subwoofer

Past Instruments: PSR-E413
Played: All Yamaha PSR-S, KORG PA700


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Roger Brenizer

I've attached 3 styles for you to try, Chris.  :)

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"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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