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Style file issue

Started by Keyboard Master, Jul 25, 2021, 05:39 PM

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Keyboard Master

Hi everyone I need some advice. I converted an sff2 to sff1 and on sff2 keyboards it play fine but when I loaded it into psr e/ sff1 keyboards the pad channel strings plays to loud but when I change chords etc. it returns to the volume I set it in. Then when the bars repeat (loop) the volume increase again to 76. I had it set to 60. Is there something in the casm that's making it so that or not I'm just curious. I want to adjust it in a way where the volume stays the same. Any advice I would appreciate.

Keyboard Master

and i adusted it with the style rvoicer and then the finished result ended up with the phrase 1 channel changing voice on Minor chord. Ill uploat the two style files.(Psr Tuturial didn't let me upload the,)

Roger Brenizer

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Keyboard Master

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Keyboard Master

So did anyone try these styles I uploaded and see what I mean.😎


You need to know that SFF2 has some features that SFF1 cannot handle. That's why problems like what you describe happen. The PAD channel has so-called Chord Switching and different chords play on channels 4 and 5. Likewise, volume values are (usually) found at the very beginning of the Style but DiscoHand has also before each Part. This causes volume problems. They can be easily solved by deleting all unnecessary controls and enter only the one in the first bar (SInth; Header Style). In attached I send you a Rearranged Style that has a volume of 60 on the PAD channel.

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Keyboard Master

thanks for the reply. ;)