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archivo n27 to s975

Started by, Aug 25, 2021, 05:43 PM

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Hello good evening,

Delighted to greet you from Spain, someone could pass me the file n27 for psr-s975, because I have the psr-s950 and I am trying to convert some expasion packs that I have downloaded from the official website of yamaha but to use the yem asks me for an n27 file and I think the most similar to mys is the s975, someone can help me. And if anyone knows how to convert those styles for the old 950 I would be very grateful.

Thank you so much. ;)


Hi jordygiro,

welcome to the PSR Tutorial Forum!

First of all: It is not a good idea to use your email address as your username. You will probably receive a lot of (additional) Spam emails on your e-mail account, as many parts of this forum are public, i.e. accessible without registration, and the forum is also constantly indexed by various search engine bots.

If your username is an active email address, I therefore recommend to contact a moderator/administrator of the forum, and ask for changing the username. If this should not be possible, you may have to register again with a new username.

Regarding Expansion Packs:
Most Expansion Packs that are currently available on the Yamaha website are in the protected .CPF format. Such a Pack file can only be used/installed on one particular keyboard model. This means, for example, the S975 version of a certain Pack can only used with a S975, but not with any other model.

If you have imported, for example, an Instrument Info file (.N27) of an S975 into the YEM, you are able to import all S975 .CPF Packs into the YEM.

BUT ... you can't do anything with the Packs at all, because all contents of .CPF Packs are locked! Therefore, unfortunately, it will not help you to work with the YEM because the S950 is not compatible to the YEM technology.

In addition, the YEM has no export functions (to other formats), not even when unprotected .PPF packs are used (which can be imported into the YEM independently of the currently installed User Install Targets). It is basically not possible to convert files that were created for YEM-compatible models into the .YEP Expansion Pack format used by the S950.

What you can do: You can use the "StyleExtractor" program to extract the contained Styles of unprotected .PPF and .PPI Pack files. Protected .CPF or .CPI files, however, can NOT be used here.

The extracted Styles can be used on your S950 directly from a USB stick. But you will have to tweak (e.g. revoice) many of these Styles, especially if the Styles originally use Voices from the relevant Expansion Packs (which will not exist on your S950 of course).

Download StyleExtractor:
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You may not know the main site of Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login yet. There you can download a lot of Styles that are suitable for the S950, e.g. here:

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

thank you very much Chris for your prompt response and for your knowledge. Nice to meet you.


Thanks for your kind feedback, yordigiro!

All the best from Germany,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)