Changing effects but can't save it (midifile)

Started by ollake, Mar 12, 2020, 06:41 AM

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I have recorded a song as midi but after saving it I need to edit the reverb and the volume of some instruments.
I have the file loaded in midimulti and film there go to the mixer. While listening to the song I do the necessary changes, stop the playback and go to save and saves the file.
When I then play back the saved file none of my edits are there. When looking at the file on the mixer everything is back to their first saved settings.
What am I doing wrong?
(Genos has the latest update)


you have to save the changes before save the midi file
look if if you can find an order to save the new settings
i dont have the genos but this works in most sequencers


Before you save the midi, touch the 'Setup' icon beside it. This is used to apply the changes you made in the mixer to the file.


DerekA is right, you have to confirm the changes with the Setup button. Look at that moment in the video.
Watch my video channel


Yes, that must be it!
I actually suspected it had something to do with that function but when I clicked on Setup the only thing that was ticked was Keyboard voice and everything else was greyed out and couldn't be changed.
Well I'm at work right now but can't wait til I get home to try this out.
I'll report back tonight.
Thanks guys!


Make sure you've rewound to the start of the song.

Panel voice settings can be burned into any position of the song, and you can do that multiple times in a song.

But mixer settings can only be burned into the start.

That's not to say you cannot edit a song to change volume, etc - just that the shortcut of applying mixer settings only works at the start of the song.


Yep, that was it.
Thanks so much for the help.


Is it now possible to record a volume change in a track, for instance raising the volume of an instrument slowly and that volume change be recorded? This was an old request of many Geno's/PSR SX owners.

Fred Smith

Quote from: vadesriux on May 19, 2021, 02:32 AM
Is it now possible to record a volume change in a track, for instance raising the volume of an instrument slowly and that volume change be recorded? This was an old request of many Geno's/PSR SX owners.

Please do not multi-post, and do not hijack threads. You're risking your membership with this behavior.

Post your question once, then follow up the responses.

You would do well to delete your posts where you've hijacked old threads.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hi Fred.

I dont agree with your aggresive behavior at all. My intention was never to hijack any thread. I do things the right way and you make me - in front of everyone here - seem like a thief or something like that, so I repeat - I find your behavior here totally inaproppriate. You could have sent me a private message but you prefered to do that in front of everyone.

The reason I have multi-posted - and I will not do that again as it seems to be a rule here -, was to increase the chances of more experienced users than me to be able to reply. I had no other intention whatsoever.  Also, as you mentioned, I tried to delete my other posts and the platform simply doesn't let me do that - it gives an error message. So that is no longer my responsability. Feel free to delete them if you have that permission.