Something weird: My Genos plays better through my PolyBrute???

Started by Pincho Paxton, May 22, 2021, 12:01 PM

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Pincho Paxton

Something weird: My Genos plays better through my PolyBrute connected by Midi. When I say better I mean that the guitar voices with the scraping strings work better through the Polybrute. You hear someone rub their finger across the strings in a more realistic way through the PolyBrute even though I'm still playing the Genos. On the genos the guitar extra sounds are intermittent, and sound fake, on the Polybrute they are subtle, but play more often.


I think something might be wrong with my aftertouch on the Genos.

Pincho Paxton

Yes I've just been testing aftertouch, and it doesn't work at all. I went into Keyboard/Joystick settings and they didn't alter anything on the Genos, but did alter things on the Polybrute Midi side.

So my Genos keyboard might be broken.. and it's quite new.


I expect it's the velocity curve. The keys on your polybrute are sending higher velocity values for the same playing strength.

Go into genos settings and adjust the global velocity curve.Or go into voice set for the individual voice and adjust the touch offset.

Pincho Paxton

Ok I'll see if I can find Global Velocity curve.

NO I can only find the one in Keyboard/Joystick, and they don't do anything.

Fixed velocity sounds the same even when set at 1.


Quote from: Pincho Paxton on May 22, 2021, 02:17 PM
Ok I'll see if I can find Global Velocity curve.

Hi Pincho Paxton,

regarding settng the Touch Curves for Initial Touch and After Touch, please refer page 39 of the Genos Reference Manual.

I recommend to test the settings "Easy 1", "Easy 2", "Soft 1" and "Soft 2" for Initial Touch.

Best regards,

[attachment deleted by admin]
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Pincho Paxton

Ok I've figured it out, it's 2 things...

1/ I have to hit the keys with all my strength.

2/ I have to keep my thumb down at the same time as playing another key.

So the Polybrute has very soft keys, and my thumb was staying down because the key didn't push my thumb back up again. On the Genos I have to actually remember to hold my thumb down... and whack the keys.

Where is this Global Velocity thing? (Oh you mean the same one in the Keyboard/Joystick settings)

Pincho Paxton

On softest setting I still have to whack the keys. That needs fixing in an update I'm afraid. You can't have another keyboard play your own keyboard better.


You can go into "Voice Edit" of a certain Voice and adjust both "Touch Sensitivity Depth" and "Touch Sensitivity Offset" parameters as desired. (Refer to Genos Reference Manual, page 49.) You can save the edited Voice as "User Voice" file then, or you can just memorize it to a Registration.

But of course this shouldn't be necessary for all Voices. If you cannot play your Genos "normally" even with one of the mentioned "Easy" or "Soft" settings for the global Initial Touch Curve, something may really be wrong with the Genos keyboard ...

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Pincho Paxton

Well I have small hands, but women play it OK. I just seems built for big hands. Not too bothered about playing it with my Polybrute really so long as I know it's not broken.