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Preview of audio style file on Computer

Started by anandmaloo, Apr 26, 2021, 06:43 AM

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Is there any software through which I can open and hear .aus audio style files on a PC.  The Audio phraser (the software to convert wav to .aus audio file) does not open the .aus file




Hi Anand,

you can import Yamaha +Audio Styles (.aus) into "Audacity" using "File > Import > Raw Data". Use the following settings (as also shown on the attached picture):

Encoding: Signed 16-bit PCM
Byte order: Big-endian
Sample rate: 44100 Hz

Note: Listen to the file relatively quietly so as not to damage your speakers / headphones, because the data blocks of the Style are of course also imported and reproduced as loud noise.

Download the current version of Audacity (V3.0.2) here:
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Best regards,

[attachment deleted by admin]
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