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Glitch with PSR-SX900

Started by abps1976, Apr 09, 2021, 05:30 AM

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Hi everyone

I recently (August 2020) upgraded from a PSR-S900 keyboard and treated myself to a PSR-SX900.
I am very happy with it, but have discovered an annoying glitch with its operation.

On first switching the instrument on, the whole keyboard is playable with the default piano voice.

On activating the style accompaniment section (ACMP, Auto FILL IN, OTS LINK), I selected "BigBand Shuffle", and the first OTS (a Jazz saxophone) is muted and almost inaudible. The other three OTS seem unaffected.

If this occurs, I simply select a different style, then choose BigBand Shuffle and this clears the fault.

I have been in touch with Yamaha Customer Service and they replicated the fault using their own keyboard (which had the older V1.04 firmware - mine has V1.05).

I was told that their technical department will look into it, regards updates to the firmware.  I would be grateful if any other PSR-SX users had experienced a similar problem.

Thank you



I did everything the same way you did and mine is absolutely normal. When selecting BigBandShuffle and OTS1, the voice that appears on mine is S. Art Saxophone and not Jazz Saxophone.
That was the only difference that I noticed in relation to what you described.

When word fail, Music speaks!


I had  a one phenomena similar to "glitch" with Genos. The second voice was almost gone. Check connected pedals. I had accidentally hit the volume pedal and no submenu showed me the reason for the error :-)
And You can always do a reset by turning on the instrument and holding down the last white key, for example.
Genos,  Roli Rise2


Hi abps1976,

So, for what it's worth, I was curious to see how my SX-900 responded to your glitch scenario.
v1.05 firmware -- ACMP and OTS link and BigBandShuffle.

My OTS1 is linked to Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login Saxophone on Voice R1, turned on by default, the R2 and R3 were off.
Yes, initially, the Saxophone sounded below normal volume, and I simply chose OTS 2 through 4, which sounded normal.
I then simply chose OTS1 again, and the Saxophone volume was now normal!    I have not noticed this before on other Styles, but normally I don't use OTS Link, I just leave it off, and setup the Voices I want.      Jerry
"All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware."Martin Buber


Interestingly, I just tried it on ours, no glitch. All 4 voices sounded at normal volume the 1st time.
OS 1.01


Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
Mark Wilburn


Hi all,
Confirm fault, v. 1.05, Sart Sax, first release batch in Australia.


I tried on my SX700. OTS1 is also the Jazz sax and is selected automatically (which is normal with the OTS link active). The playing volume is normal so no issue here.
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700