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Started by PierreSW, May 18, 2020, 06:04 AM

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Does anyone more than me have problems with GENOS MULTI AUDIO RECORDER?
It is very unstable. In my case, it is hacking and syncing very poorly.
MAIN recording is ok to start with the same with SUB, but if you play wrong and want to do a rerecording on the SUB part then the problems start,
then suddenly the MAIN part (that was good before) hacking and the new SUB recording can be badly synced. Tyros did not have this problem.
Greetings Pierre
YAMAHA Genos 2, YAMAHA MFC10, Bose L1 II-pa,Mixer T1 ToneMatch, ZUM STEEL.


Hello again!
Has received a response from Yamaha Denmark today regarding (it took a while to get answers). the problem of recordings in the AUDIO part of Genos,
and came to the conclusion that the USER memory was almost full, now I have emptied it of all files,
and moved them to the USB memory, and it seems to be working now.
So the tip is to have nothing in the USER memory, just have it in temporary files, and transfer them directly to the USB memory.

// Pierre
YAMAHA Genos 2, YAMAHA MFC10, Bose L1 II-pa,Mixer T1 ToneMatch, ZUM STEEL.

Toril S

Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page