MIDI multi recording time signature - RESOLVED

Started by DerekA, Mar 29, 2021, 06:38 AM

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I sat down today to try and record a MIDI multi recording of a waltz.

But I cannot see how to change the time signature of the MIDI recorder - it defaults 4/4 with no option that I can see.

Can anyone help  ???



Signature can be changed in, among others, MixMaster
Best Regards
Eddy Vanzee


Thanks vanzee, but I want to change the signature before I start recording anything.


Hi Derek,

just load a suitable (waltz) STYLE before.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)




Hi Derek,

As you record SONG in the MIDI recorder, the measure that Style has will be set. If you change the waltz and Rhumba during the same song, the measure will change from 3/4 to 4/4.
If you want to change this later within Multi Recording, you need to go to SysEx and change the measure. Like on the picture.

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Watch my video channel

Wim NL

First Select the 3/4 Style.
When pressing the record button in Midi Multi Record the time signature will then be set to 3/4.

Best Regards,


Aaargh - this works but I see now why I thought that it didn't.

Select a Waltz style, then press Recording, then Multi Recording. The display still shows the time signature as 4/4. But ... press the REC button to arm the channels and it immediately changes to show 3/4!!! Press REC again to disarm and it goes back to 4/4!!!!

Thank you all, I've got it working now :)


thank you for all that interesting clarification