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Hello from me

Started by eegrek, Mar 15, 2021, 09:57 AM

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Hi everyone, I am a 78 year old male (David) with a rather dated PSR2000 I purchased in about 2002.
It all works fine and I have recently converted the floppy disc player to a USB emulator with the perhaps mistaken belief that I might be able to install some additional styles to simulate some of the more modern Keyboards. In this, I have been less than successful. During the lock down period in the UK (Norwich), this has helped me to at least remain sane by trying to get the most from this keyboard without purchasing a modern replacement. I have my eyes on a PSRX600 which may be I can purchase sometime later this year. As I develop my playing further I will probably ask for advice from players who could advise me of my bets way forward to get the best from rather poor playing skills.


Hello David!

I purchased my Yamaha about a month ago, preparing for this year lock down (here in Argentina is still summer) and dont loose my sanity like almost happend the last year  ;D

Can't answer your question about the PSR2000 (but its a miracle that that usb stick floppy emulator works on a keybard) they're made for personal computers afaik ...  but about the PSRX600 its more advanced that the one i bought (psrew410) and has more functions, so you will be more than happy with that one! (im more than happy with mine!)

Welcome to the forums my friend!

Roger Brenizer

Hi David,

Welcome to the forum and thank you for becoming a member.  I'm sure you'll find help for your older PSR-2000 keyboard here on the forum.

You'll want to be sure to visit the Home page and check out some of the tutorials you will find links to there.  The following link will take you to the Home page of the website:

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"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Toril S

Hello David! I have the PSR 2100, it is the model after the 2000, but I have the floppy disk drive still. You can upgrade the 2000 with new styles. There are many styles for the 2000 on PSR TUTOTIAL. Just press the Styles tab and you will find them there.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Welcome to the PSR Tutorial forum, David!

All the best from Germany,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Colin D

Welcome to the forum
Previous, Technics E44, E66, U90, G7, GX7 G100, Tyros 2, Tyros 5, now Genos,


Thank you everyone for your welcome I look forward to seeing your posts.

Wow! what a result since joining only a few days ago I have solved a problem with my emulator which has plagued me for more than a year. I can now add additional styles to my keyboard and keep  my registrations on a usb stick. This will extend the life of my keyboard for a few months more while I save up a for a replacement (or rather an additional keyboard) as I intend to double stack so as being able to use more modern styles with some of the old voices.
This forum has provided the research tool that I have been looking for.
Thank you all.


Welcome David.  I'm sure you will find an abundance of information an better using your 2000 on the main tutorial site.  With the addition of a usb emulator you have the ability to almost anything you may want to do.  You may have to do some work arounds but with MIDI and a few sticks and time not much you can't do.  Have fun!


welcome to this great forum all the answers are here luckily we have a coach here live music