Country style with Banjo plucking on SX600 ?

Started by janamdo, Mar 05, 2021, 10:59 AM

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I am practicing with songs and in the lesson 16 : She'll be coming 'round the mountains
A American country Classic.

I like  banjo sound in the enclosed example, good
I don't get the same effect on my keyboard for the Banjo sound..
Differerent naming exists  for adding of chords to a one voice played melody
Ultra Chord
Techni Chord
Hohner Chord
Elka play
Single finger orchestra
Melody on Chord
Orla magic chord

In my lessons, it is named : Multivoice for adding chords to a one voice played melody

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I must try to get a similar sounding banjo sound on SX600 and using a multivoice



I examined all country styles on SX600 , but not one of these style had a banjo instrument in it.
So i must make a own style then with a banjo (plucking) , but theres only a guitar strumming ín a style ( replace for  banjo? )

To get the same feel as on the enclosed example on SX600 is not that easy.


Quote from: janamdo on Mar 05, 2021, 02:45 PM
I examined all country styles on SX600 , but not one of these style had a banjo instrumet in it
So i must make a own style then with a banjo (plucking) , but theres only a guitar strumming ín a style ( replace for  banjo? )

To get the same feel as on the enclosed example on SX600 is not that easy.

Hi janamdo,

have you tried "Bluegrass", "Modern Bluegrass" and "Hoedown"? These Styles contain a fingerpicking Banjo. :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
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Thanks Chris

I listened to the 3 styles with the banjo's.
Searching for a particular melody instrument should be easier on the higher sx keyboards ? 
Or style knowledge comes in play..

The included audio from lessons is really a nice accompaniment with the banjo fingerpicking
Its from 1992 the SX600 surpasses this lesson stylequality not 

Best regards


Listening to the song the Banjo appears to be part of the style or even a Multi Pad.
  To get right hand chords on right hand voices you use the Harmony Echo button on Yamaha keyboards. There are different types including Tremolo. Give them a try.


Quote from: EileenL on Mar 06, 2021, 07:06 AM
Listening to the song the Banjo appears to be part of the style or even a Multi Pad.
  To get right hand chords on right hand voices you use the Harmony Echo button on Yamaha keyboards. There are different types including Tremolo. Give them a try.


It is :  Multivoice in my lessons named for adding chords to a one voice played melody , but its named harmony/arpeggiotype on SX600
Correct me if i am wrong : seems that by a given style and melody(OTS), the SX600 has assigned a harmony type also?
Ready for use by activating the harmony button (on)

Best regards

