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Genos - Find registration based on style ?

Started by Al Ram, Mar 10, 2021, 03:04 PM

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Al Ram

Hello Friends

Genos question . .  .

Do you know if there is a way to select a style in Genos and find out what Genos registration(s) are using the selected style ?

I have an excel file where for each registration i keep the style(s) used . . . .so, normally, i could just search my excel file and find my answer.   However, i just found one style that is suppossed to be used by a registration but i cannot determine the registration where it is being used  . . . ..   (that means my excel file is missing this item).

Thanks in advance.

San Diego/Tijuana


Hi Al Ram
You can easily see this if you use the Search option and use Filter. Watch the video from this moment and you will immediately understand how it works.
Watch my video channel

Al Ram


Great video.

Thanks a lot . . . very clear. 

Have a great day
San Diego/Tijuana