Checking styles

Started by adrianed, Feb 28, 2021, 05:04 PM

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Hi folks,
Can we check how styles sound on a computer so if we of got a few different ones for a given song we can choose the best one
If it can be done it would be a lot easier and quicker than checking them on the keyboard and we can delete the wacky or half finished ones

Roger Brenizer

Please read this topic, Adrian.  :)

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If you transfer a block of styles to a usb, and stick it in the keyboard you can audition styles very fast. I think better than the computer because you can easily play chords. Set the keyboard to hold tempo when you change styles. Then tap in the tempo and hum the tune in your head while you play a few chords with your LH and keep changing styles with you rh. You can sort the good styles from bad in seconds this way.

Toril S

Good advice Mike. That is how I do it, and I audition a lot of styles!!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Yes that is the easiest way and if you find ones you don't like just delete them from the USB stick on the keyboard.


Thankyou Mike, Roger & Eileen,
I couldn't find a good a good program on the computer so I will take your advice Mike
Few years a go I made up several hundreds of Registrations on the keyboard and they have lost the styles, for a while I thought it was a problem with the keyboard but now I think I made a mistake by cleaning up and rearranging the styles that I had on a Usb, so I now think the keyboard just cant find them
I dread the work ahead, it will take me a long time get them going again, that is why I was looking for a shortcut
I don't think reinstalling a backup will do any good because it also will not be able to find the old style setup because it probably isn't there and I have made many additions since the backup, I am sure you know every time we make an alteration we have to make a new backup, it gets laborious and its easy to miss.
Thanks again everyone,


Quote from: adrianed on Mar 01, 2021, 02:23 PM
... Few years a go I made up several hundreds of Registrations on the keyboard and they have lost the styles, for a while I thought it was a problem with the keyboard but now I think I made a mistake by cleaning up and rearranging the styles that I had on a Usb, so I now think the keyboard just cant find them ...

Hi Adrian,

if you subsequently rename Style files that are used in Registrations or move them on the storage medium (e.g. USB stick), the Registrations can no longer find / call up the linked Style. This is wellknown, I think.

However, you can find out the originally linked Styles relatively easily: Simply open the relevant Registration Bank files (.rgt) in a Text Editor program on the PC (e.g. Windows Editor / Notepad). The Style file names including the originally linked file path are in plain text in the Registration files.

Alternatively, you can also use Murray Best's >>> Yamaha Registration manager. There is even a Batch Report function with which you can e.g. read out the Styles used from all registration files within a certain folder "in one go".

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thanks for that tip Chris