Is it possible te make playlist from Genos to Tyros

Started by Flupke, Mar 04, 2021, 02:58 AM

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Hello all,

is it possible to translate the playlist to the Tyros ... I know it can be done differently from .MFD to .TSV but I want to go from Genos to Tyros ..


Fred Smith

Quote from: Flupke on Mar 04, 2021, 02:58 AM
is it possible to translate the playlist to the Tyros ... I know it can be done differently from .MFD to .TSV but I want to go from Genos to Tyros ..

It's possible to do manually, but I don't know of any program that does it.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons



My "Music Finder File Manager" software at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login is able to import tsv files.
I am not sure (I am not close to the program source code at the moment) if you have to rearrange the columns in the tsv data file. But anyway that is pretty easy to do in Excel or similar programs.
The Unofficial YAMAHA Keyboard Resource Site at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
- since 1999


Quote from: Jørgen on Mar 04, 2021, 05:05 AM

My "Music Finder File Manager" software at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login is able to import tsv files.
I am not sure (I am not close to the program source code at the moment) if you have to rearrange the columns in the tsv data file. But anyway that is pretty easy to do in Excel or similar programs.

Hello Jorgen,

the program do not import the tsv file....

When i open it in Excel i see this???

Blue Brown  Eyes   C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0001_ Blue Brown  Eyes.rgt   0   OFF
2 Nights In A Big City   C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0002_2 Nights In A Big City.rgt   0   OFF
40th Symphony   C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0003_40th Symphony.rgt   0   OFF
60 Second Waltz   C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0004_60 Second Waltz.rgt   0   OFF
A  RightStone Cowboy   C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0005_A  RightStone Cowboy.rgt   0   OFF
A Banda                            C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0006_A Banda                         .rgt   0   OFF
A Bridge over Troubled Water   C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0007_A Bridge over Troubled Water.rgt   0   OFF
A Bright & Guiding Light   C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0008_A Bright & Guiding Light.rgt   0   OFF
A Cosy Life In Italy   C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0009_A Cosy Life In Italy.rgt   0   OFF
A Country boy   C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0010_A Country boy.rgt   0   OFF




Hi Flupke,

a Playlist file (.tsv) does not contain any information about the Styles used. In contrast to a Music Finder file (.mfd), a record of a Playlist file is pointing to the REGISTRATION used (Registration file and Registration button number).

To use a Genos Playlist on, say, a Tyros5, you could convert the included Registration files (.rgt) into the Tyros5 format using Murray Best's "Yamaha Registration Manager" (version 5.1.1 Special).

A problem would be here that many Styles used in these Registrations are not present on Tyros5. You can find out the  correct Styles by setting the Target Instrument to Genos in the "Registration Manager" and using the Report function.

Another Problem is that many of the original Genos Preset Styles do not work properly on Tyros5 because there are no Revo Drumkits on Tyros5. (But, to my knowledge, here on the forum you can find Genos Styles that have already been tweaked for use with "non-Revo Drum" models.)

Finally, you would have to manually link the (tweaked) Genos Styles to the individual converted Genos Registrations on the Tyros5.

As you can see, the whole thing would be possible, but it's not that easy... ;)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Quote from: overover on Mar 04, 2021, 06:09 AM
Hi Flupke,

a Playlist file (.tsv) does not contain any information about the Styles used. In contrast to a Music Finder file (.mfd), a record of a Playlist file is pointing to the REGISTRATION used (Registration file and Registration button number).

To use a Genos Playlist on, say, a Tyros5, you could convert the included Registration files (.rgt) into the Tyros5 format using Murray Best's "Yamaha Registration Manager" (version 5.1.1 Special).

A problem would be here that many Styles used in these Registrations are not present on Tyros5. You can find out the  correct Styles by setting the Target Instrument to Genos in the "Registration Manager" and using the Report function.

Another Problem is that many of the original Genos Preset Styles do not work properly on Tyros5 because there are no Revo Drumkits on Tyros5. (But, to my knowledge, here on the forum you can find Genos Styles that have already been tweaked for use with "non-Revo Drum" models.)

Finally, you would have to manually link the (tweaked) Genos Styles to the individual converted Genos Registrations on the Tyros5.

As you can see, the whole thing would be possible, but it's not that easy... ;)

Best regards,

Thank you for your information .... the question is because this was an MFD file that I converted to the playlist. However, I lost the original and was curious if I could go back from TSV to MFD. Because if I now only load the tsv, it does nothing and that is of course logical. I have to reimport it from MDF.



Quote from: Flupke on Mar 04, 2021, 06:02 AM
Hello Jorgen,

the program do not import the tsv file....


Well, the program do import and export tsv files. tsv = Tabulator Seperated Values - Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
But, it does not import Yamaha formatted tsv files correctly, hence my remark about column reorganising.
And I read that the Yamaha tsv file does not even include the information needed for converting back to mfd - format.  :(

The option in my program was included from the first version (year 2008) for an alternative way of editing mfd - files.
It is somewhat easier to edit records in a Excel-sheet than in the keyboard.

Bad luck! :(
The Unofficial YAMAHA Keyboard Resource Site at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
- since 1999


The playlist was created because Music finder was so limited it what it could save and people were constantly asking for something that would save everything just like you can in a registration. Hence we now have playlist which is a much better way as you can now add your own registration to it.


Quote from: Flupke on Mar 04, 2021, 06:02 AM
... When i open it in Excel i see this???

Blue Brown  Eyes   C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0001_ Blue Brown  Eyes.rgt   0   OFF
2 Nights In A Big City   C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0002_2 Nights In A Big City.rgt   0   OFF
40th Symphony   C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0003_40th Symphony.rgt   0   OFF
60 Second Waltz   C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0004_60 Second Waltz.rgt   0   OFF
A  RightStone Cowboy   C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0005_A  RightStone Cowboy.rgt   0   OFF
A Banda                            C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0006_A Banda                         .rgt   0   OFF
A Bridge over Troubled Water   C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0007_A Bridge over Troubled Water.rgt   0   OFF
A Bright & Guiding Light   C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0008_A Bright & Guiding Light.rgt   0   OFF
A Cosy Life In Italy   C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0009_A Cosy Life In Italy.rgt   0   OFF
A Country boy   C:/REGIST/MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands/0010_A Country boy.rgt   0   OFF

Hi Flupke,

using the Playlist records inside the .tsv file you can see that all the linked Registration files are in the User drive of the Genos/SX ("C:/REGIST" is the first level when you open the Registration Selection display and go to the User drive).

There you will find the folder "MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands" (which was created automatically when converting the Music finder file of the same name). This folder contains the Registration files generated automatically using the Music Finder Records (0001_ Blue Brown Eyes.rgt, 0002_2 Nights In A Big City.rgt, etc.).

You could copy the folder with the Registration files from the User drive to a USB stick and then convert all Registrations into the "correct" Tyros format. To do this, set the desired "Target Keyboard" in the "Registration Manager" and then start the "Batch Bank Conversion". You can then use the converted Registration files on the relevant Tyros model. (It may be necessary to manually select a different style and then save the registrations again.)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Quote from: overover on Mar 04, 2021, 01:37 PM
Hi Flupke,

using the Playlist records inside the .tsv file you can see that all the linked Registration files are in the User drive of the Genos/SX ("C:/REGIST" is the first level when you open the Registration Selection display and go to the User drive).

There you will find the folder "MusicFinder Tyros1 & 2 Nerderlands" (which was created automatically when converting the Music finder file of the same name). This folder contains the Registration files generated automatically using the Music Finder Records (0001_ Blue Brown Eyes.rgt, 0002_2 Nights In A Big City.rgt, etc.).

You could copy the folder with the Registration files from the User drive to a USB stick and then convert all Registrations into the "correct" Tyros format. To do this, set the desired "Target Keyboard" in the "Registration Manager" and then start the "Batch Bank Conversion". You can then use the converted Registration files on the relevant Tyros model. (It may be necessary to manually select a different style and then save the registrations again.)

Best regards,

Thanks you are great...
