Has anyone tried to reroute the input of the built-in LCD?

Started by Mendel, Feb 23, 2021, 02:14 PM

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I would like to 'install' a rasberry pi inside of my kb,
and use the built-in touchscreen for a daw, and I will get
A external monitor to show the kb screen...

Has anyone attempted anything like this?
It would probably be challenging to get the touchscreen
Driver so I can use the touch functionality on the OS..

Also if it wouldn't be possible maybe I will just buy a 7" touch screen and replace it with the built-in one ..

Plz share your thoughts!


Toril S

I don't think this is advisable or posible! By changing the screen of the keyboard you: 1. Void the warranty. 2. disrupt the OS.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.


Toril's PSR Performer Page


LCD mounted on the KEYBOARD has a VIEDEO + TOUCH connection flat. For the Raspberry you need an LCD with HDMI and USB connection for the TOUCH. On the other hand, if you are willing to open the KEYBOARD, rightly invalidating the warranty, could you post photos of its interior? I'm very curious to see what's inside. Anyway why mount the RASPBERRY inside?



Hi Mendel --

I've often thoughts about projects like this.

I would leave the original LCD electronics, etc. intact, mount the Raspberry Pi inside the keyboard, and route a USB cable from the RPi to the keyboard's TO HOST USB port. Of course, you'll need a screen/keypad for the RPi, too. If you can find any open space on the keyboard, you could mount the RPi's keypad and screen there.

That would put everything in one package. You could still unplug the USB cable from the TO HOST connector, making it possible to connect to a PC/Mac, not just the RPi.

Getting in the way of the Yamaha hardware runs the risk of getting in the way of the Yamaha software. The Yamaha software may not pass self-test if it thinks the hardware has a fault. Yamaha software goes into zu-zu land when it doesn't pass self-test.

Interesting project! These are just thoughts off the top of my head.

All the best -- pj

Al Ram

I am not familiar with Raspberry at all . . . . do not even know what it is for . . . .

however,   it looks like there are alternatives so that it does not have to be installed inside the keyboard . . . . .

Not sure it will help but here it is anyway

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Have a great day
San Diego/Tijuana

Lucille Chung

This would be kind of cool.    You're going to run linux on the Pi and put Audacity on it?     My problem when I tried something like this was the ALSA driver on linux not picking up the PSR as a device, but maybe I gave up too easily.    Or you could I guess do it with windows, but that wouldn't be as fun.