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Started by shezza, Feb 22, 2021, 01:22 PM

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I almost threw my sx900 through the window today (only joking) I have saved all my registrations to the panel some are onboard sounds and some are STY files from the forum. I have saved all my panel settings to usb with no bother but when I try to copy the usb so I have 2 sticks just in case.......I cannot save it, it just will not save or copy to another stick. Any ideas would be gratefully received........Thanks 


Hello Shezza.  Welcome to the club.  I spent man hours with similar issues but mainly with loosing my Regits which I went through great pains to create. Response form this forum has taught me a few things that I am going to share with you.

1. Once you  select the USB you are going to use, BEST to format on the Keyboard, forget using the computer because if using a high speed 3.0 USB, you can not get the keyboard to read the exfat format 100% of the time. Has to be formatted in the slower FATS speed.

2. Once you load your USB and start using it on the keyboard do not re-organize/move things around on that same usb as the REGITs keep track of the directory paths of the Syles, PADS, Voices, etc. I did this a few times until it was pointed out to me. Now I just append or insert but not reshuffle any new incoming files.

3. On my Windows 10 I encountered the same issue as you, and my formats sometimes took hours on the pc after an attempt of a copy from keyboard loaded usb or usb to pc failed. All because of the format type.   If you use your USBs primarily for PC only I found no issues at all.

So format the target USB on your keyboard, then copy your source to the target and you should be fine on the copy part of things.  I can not say that this will address you missing files and that they will be recovered. Keep in mind that if your source USB is in exfat format, just bite the bullet like I did and start over.  I am glad I did as painful as it was. Check this thread out.
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  Hope this helps... Regards!     dom   
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!


The easiest way is to place both USB sticks in computer and then just copy and Paste the different sections. It can also be done on the keyboard quite easily but you have to remember to be in the right section. If you want to copy registrations you must be in that section. Just highlight the registration and press SAVE move to the USB you want it on and press SAVE HERE. If you have lots of registrations then press COPY and highlight ALL then move to your USB and press COPY HERE. It is the same with styles and songs.