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Started by joespada, Feb 21, 2021, 05:02 PM

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I recently purchased a psr sx 600. I am really struggling to get the something out of this wonderful piece of equipment.
I'm lost - I don't know how to save something I've arranged - don't know where or how to save it to - I've tried to download
some of the available styles on this site - I even struggle with this - I've tried to download some mide songs etc,
Of course I'm very (extremely) frustrated and I would be willing to pay someone who can walk me through some of the
above situations.
Let me know if this is possible - we could do virtual or something -




Quote from: joespada on Feb 21, 2021, 05:02 PM
I recently purchased a psr sx 600. I am really struggling to get the something out of this wonderful piece of equipment.
I'm lost - I don't know how to save something I've arranged - don't know where or how to save it to - I've tried to download
some of the available styles on this site - I even struggle with this - I've tried to download some mide songs etc,
Of course I'm very (extremely) frustrated and I would be willing to pay someone who can walk me through some of the
above situations.
Let me know if this is possible - we could do virtual or something -


Hi Joe

I got also a sx600 and it is a fantastic starterskeyboard
No need to be frustrated.

You do have a melody ( righthand )  and a lefthand to play chords for the style accompaniment (styles)
A song you can play with a style (chords) and a melody together.
You do need a course for how to do keyboardplaying.

If money is no problem you could look at the course of Jeremy See, otherwise you have to figure tis out by yourself by buying course books about keyboardplaying with a accompaniment.

Don't know if there is a introduction course here on this forum how to start with a keyboard with styles accompaniment ?
On youtube there are some videos too (look at jeremy See for SX600)

Perhaps you can describe what frustrate you now at the most with the handling of SX600 ? 


Ed B

Hi Joe
To start, trying working through the lessons  on our site.
Then if you encounter a problem identify it here on the forum and one of us will help solve the issue.
There are a few teachers around who may pop in here.
Ed B
Keep on learning


When you say you want to save something you've arranged I'm not sure which of these you mean.

+ If you have selected a nice combination of styles and voices, which you always want to be able to use when playing a particular song, then look up information on 'registrations' which are snapshots of the current setup.

+ If you want to make a recording of a song you're playing, look up 'song recording'. You can record either MIDI (which stores the notes you play, and which can be edited) or Audio (which is like a CD that you can play back but can't change).


All this information will be in the Manual. If you have recorded a Midi performance at the top of the page you will see SAVE press this and then select where you want it Either USER or USB. Then press SAVE HERE and name your tune and save. If you have recorded Audio this will be saved to your USB.


Hello Joe.
Let me give it a stab.  I think I may understand your frustration.  I was in the same boat as you for a while and now I love it and spend many enjoyable hours a day on it. I assume you can play a keyboard or you would not spend that kind of money on such a nice instrument.   I purchased an SX700 and was ready to return after two weeks... Once I got into this form, I now am getting hours of pleasure. I don't even read music and came from an PSR E423 to PSR EW410 to the SX700. 
  The best thing to do before you even start to download anything, is to use what you have on the keyboard. It's full of good stuff. Now pick a style that you want to exploit.
  Try the INTORs, on their own,  try the styles variation on there own, play with the voices and pads.
Now that you have this, say select an INTRO and your light will glow orange(at least mine is-non blue lets say).
Then pick a variation, A B C D and that light will change.  Select a voice and you can leave the pad alone for now.   So at this point you have something to work with.. Before you touch a key to get the style activated, simply go to the registration memory area and press the "Memory" button.  It will pop up a panel on your screen but don't worry for now, it is telling you what it is going to save for you, so use the default of the keyboard.  Now select the first memory registration button labeld "1" and it will save everything that was lite up. now you can play the keys and those colours stay on to tell you what choices you made.  Repeat again with different Intro, syle variations and voices  and now save to say registration memory "2".  Play the keys, you can press registration memory "1" while still playing and it reverts back to what you had save in that memory back.  You can save up to 8 of them if you want. 
   Now you want save this for future reference so to this, simply hold down both "Regist Band Select" buttons and a window with  an hour glass(for search), file folder and menu icon pop up. with some names populated in screen display.  You just need to for now select the file folder, will prompt with  "new Folder" or "save Here" radio buttons.  You can create a new folder if you want that will store your registration member file name that you will be creating.  or if you don't want for now simply press the "save here" and a PC like keyboard will pop up with a space for you to give it a name of this particular registration.  Do that and there you go. you saved what you did.  now hit "EXIT" and it gets you back to the STYLES .  Play around... If you want to go back to what you saved,  press both "Regit Bank Select" buttons and you should see the list with your saved registration.
   I suggest you go to Utube and check this out.  It's for the SX900 but it has lots of stuff there that is similar to the SX600, SX700...  Spend some time in utube looking around and as mentioned, read the manual..
   Honestly,  the manual is not always that helpful if you are a hands.  Utube and many posts in this wonderful forum is the best place to go.   This will open all your doors if I have understood your issue correctly... If it is something other than what I have talked about, let me know and I will remove my post.

PS: If on the right track, you have my email address in the forum, I can walk you through my knowledge path and what I know today FREE!!!!. I know nothing about MIDI or Playlists, but for me I have no need at this point for them.. I will evolve as I progress. I too was looking someone when I got my SX700 and wanted to pay them but no takers.   
                    Good luck!  Regards.      dom
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!

Toril S

That is excellent advice, Dom!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page