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MSB LSB PC info is gone after saving the voice

Started by Frie van Peer, Mar 30, 2021, 11:28 AM

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Frie van Peer

Special problem.

You select an instrument (in my case Soft Choir on my Yamaha PSR-SX700 ) and you immediately see # 049 007 025.

MSB (Most Significant Bit, most significant bit, has greatest weight)
LSB (Least Significant Bit, least significant bit, has smallest weight)
PC (Program Change)

This is often used in Cubase, for example, so you can be sure that the right instrument is on the right track. But now something strange happens, if you are going to edit or adjust this instrument as you see fit then you have to save the adjusted instrument to USB or USB1, and what happens, your MSB, LSB and PC info is gone, replaced with the date 2019-01-01, and  you cannot enter the info into your Cubase at the Midi event editor. If you use the original MSB, LSB, PC then you will not end up with your modified instrument. 

Ok, lets try YEM, pfieuwwww, it does not recognize vce extensions. So this isn't going to work either.

Anyone an idea how to fix this ??
Or knows how to create my own MSB LSB & PC parameters?


Hi Frie van Peer,

when you save a modified Voice again you will get a so called "User Voice" or "Voice Set" file.

Such a User Voice uses the same Voice address (MSB-LSB-PC) as the original Preset Voice. The changes are stored in the User Voice file (which is basically a MIDI file) as standard MIDI messages. So this file contains Bank Select MSB/LSB and Program Change as well as all other needed parameters like Control Change and SysEx.

Note: A User Voice file ca only be used in Keyboard Parts (Right 1 - 3, Left). If you would use a User Voice in a Style, Multi Pad or a MIDI file, only the original Preset Voice (without any changes) would be loaded, because the changed Voice Set is ignored in this case.

On Tyros5 or Genos you can use the Expansion Manager (YEM) to make a new CUSTOM Voice based on a Preset Voice. This new Custom Voice can be called up via its own Voice adress (MSB=63).

But unfortunately, the latter is NOT possible on PSR-S or PSR-SX models.

The only way in your case is to integrate all the changed parameter data into your MIDI data (on the DAW). You could e.g. open the User Voice file as MIDI file and copy the contents into the first measure of the desired MIDI Track in your DAW.

To revoice a certain Channel of an existing MIDI file with a User Voice you can use the function "Voicefile Revoicing" in the PC program "PSRUTI":
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Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
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