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Started by djp, Jan 06, 2021, 03:48 AM

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as we all know YEM is vital to install voicing etc ,My question is many packs and sounds become redundant iis there a way to join packs together CMS have single sounds in ppi can you put all the packs in a single pack.
Iknow you can untick sounds in packs.

Regards pete


Yes you can combine sounds from different packs to one new.
Maybe there are many ways to do it, I will describe mine....

• Open YEM, access the first Expansion Pack witch contain one of the sounds you like to merge on a new "Master first Expansion Pack"
• Select via mouse click the sound name you want to merge (or if you want more sounds from the selected first Expansion Pack, hold "ctrl" key and select the various sound names via mouse click) and select . Click on the [>] icon above the names list of the Expansion Pack. Select "Export Selected Content as first Expansion Pack" from the drop-down menu.
Assign name and save.
• Do the same with all the sounds you want from the various Expansion Packs
• Create a new Expansion Pack (click on [ + ] icon in the top and select "Create Pack" from the drop-down menu)
• Open the new Expansion Pack folder
• Click the  [ + ] icon above the name list of the sounds of the Expansion Pack (on starting the list is totally blank...) and select "Import Content" from the drop-down menu.
• Add one by one the various small Expansion Pack you export in the previous steps.
• Now your new "Master Expansion Pack" is ready! Export it as usual install and enjoy!

I repeadt, this is my way. Maybe other users use different more efficient ways.


Hi djp,

The process explained by danand works well, but may be tedious when merging many voices from different PPF files. The idea I propose, is to merge the whole packs (without selecting voices) and remove unwanted voices afterwards, so you don't have to export all these additional packs containing the selected voices. The process uses six easy steps:

1 - In the top area of YEM (the one called "My Packs"), select "+" then "Create Pack". A new pack icon (called "Pack 001" if it is the first one you've created) should appear in the pack list
2 - Click on this "Pack 001" icon, and change its name. Note that its (empty) content appears in the bottom area.
3 - In the bottom area, select "+" then "Import Content". A file selecting popup window should appear on the screen
4 - Hold the Ctrl key down and click on all the PPF files containing the voices you want to merge. Click on the "Open" button to import the content for all selected packs (it may take some time...)
5 - Hold the Ctrl key down and click on all the voices you DON'T want to keep. Press the "Delete" key on your keyboard and confirm by clicking on the "Delete" button
6 - In the "My Packs" area, select ">" then "Export pack" to generate your merged voice pack... DONE !



thank you wil  try that



Hi djp,

please note that one Pack can hold a maximum of 128 Normal Voices plus 128 Drum Voices (Drumkits).

When importing whole Packs "as Content" into an existing Pack, these limits could easily be exceeded.

I therefore recommend exporting parts of Packs (or individual Voices) as separate Packs first. From this you can then put together new "best of" Packs in a very clear manner.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)



You are right to recall the 128-voice limitation for a single pack. However, in his initial post, djp talks about CMS voice packs, and most of them (especially the freeware ones) only contain 1 or 2 voices. So in that case, merging full content in much more efficient.

For instance, I merged the 380 CMS freeware packs (for which I gave the links in a previous post) into 20 packs, each slightly under the 1GB limit to fit the expansion memory for my SX900. The whole process took less than 20mn. Most of the time, you just have to wait for YEM to crunch the data when importing content.


PSR SX900:
Some of the ppf packs when being combined and exported as PPI in the KB ,It shows at the end 'data error'. On a close examination I found that these PPI packs on the YEM show the voices as locked in Brown Colour. Is it because of this that a data error is being shown in which case how to unlock these voices? Else what could be the probable error?


Sorry,seems to be a wrong post here