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Tyros 5 Style Assembly help Required.

Started by Graham UK, Feb 17, 2021, 07:08 AM

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Graham UK

Tyros 5...I require some help using Style CREATOR- ASSEMBLY to exchange RHY2 for one style to another style.
When using some 3rd party style on the T5 RHY2 produces odd unwanted drum noises, just changing to another drum kit does not always solve this.
In Style Assembly I choose a suitable style which contains a suitable drum kit but results after assembly are not always as expected. It's very time consuming to go through all the style elements.

Other option would be if there is FREE PC software that can exchange style Drum parts from one style to another.

Any help appreciated.


I recommend the MixMaster program. There are other solutions that are clearer, but MixMaster is unavoidable because it serves as a bridge to XGWorks, Cakewalk ...

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Graham UK

ckobu. Thank you...I have MIXMASTER but never got round to using it, would be handy if there is a Youtube tutorial.


Quote from: Graham UK on Feb 17, 2021, 07:08 AM
Tyros 5...I require some help using Style CREATOR- ASSEMBLY to exchange RHY2 for one style to another style.
When using some 3rd party style on the T5 RHY2 produces odd unwanted drum noises, just changing to another drum kit does not always solve this.
In Style Assembly I choose a suitable style which contains a suitable drum kit but results after assembly are not always as expected. It's very time consuming to go through all the style elements.

Other option would be if there is FREE PC software that can exchange style Drum parts from one style to another. ...

Hi Graham,

what exactly do you really want to do?

1) Do you only want to change the Voice (i.e. the Drum Kit) of a Style Drum Part?
2) Would you like to exchange certain Drum Patterns of one Style for Patterns of other Styles? (THAT is what the "Style Assembly" function is actually intended for.)
3) Would you like to delete certain ("unwanted") MIDI notes of a Style or map them to another Drum instrument (within the Drum Kit used)?

By the way: Could it be that you are trying to use Genos Preset Styles on the Tyros5 (or third-party Styles that have been programmed specifically for the Genos)? Genos Styles are often programmed specifically for Revo! Drum Kits . If you play such Styles on keyboards on which no Revo! Drums are available (such as Tyros5), for example, "unwanted noises" can occur, since certain MIDI notes (key numbers) are used for special Revo! Drum sounds.

There is the PC program "Revo Drum Cleaner" by Jørgen Sørensen:
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Revo Drum Cleaner is a software program for cleaning / remapping Drums in Yamaha Style and MIDI files.  A lot can also be done in MixMaster (e.g. in "List View" or in "Drumkit View").

To successfully carry out such adjustments to Styles, however, some basic knowledge of Style programming and MIDI file programming is required.

Best regards,
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So you have style ABC and want to put the RHY2 into style XYZ.

Copy and Paste the RHY2 into XYZ. Then check to make use that the RHY2 kit is still the same as the one used in style ABC. If it is then it will sound the same, it has to.

XYZ may have a different set up of the DSP effect found on the Mixing Console. If this is the difference in what you are hearing. Then USE the ABC style and move the parts from the XYZ style into the ABC style.

I have needed to do this tip with regard to maintaining the REVERB setup on guitar parts.


Graham UK

Chris. In your reply options No 2 would be the most used but no 1 & 3 would be useful at times.I previously used RevoDrumCleaner on my PC Windows 7 without a problem but now with Windows 10 I can't get RevoDrumcleaner to run...Keeps saying can't find javaw.exe...which I have installed but it still can't find it.

If using your option No2 with Assembly do I have to save each style element each time separately before moving to the next element ?. Intro2...Var1...Var2...Var3...Fill etc: or can I make one final save after assembling is completed as I do one final save when changing OTS,s ?.

In Assembly I can go to EDIT drums Usually RHY2 in a style to eliminate the odd noise by changing to another note.

I have saved approx 6 styles in USER that have Brush type drums patterns which are suitable for ballads that I play, these are the type I would like to use in Style Assembly.

Chris & Drake Your replies are appreciated.


Quote from: Graham UK on Feb 17, 2021, 06:39 PM
Chris. In your reply options No 2 would be the most used but no 1 & 3 would be useful at times.I previously used RevoDrumCleaner on my PC Windows 7 without a problem but now with Windows 10 I can't get RevoDrumcleaner to run...Keeps saying can't find javaw.exe...which I have installed but it still can't find it.

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Roger Brenizer

If you're contemplating using Mixmaster in the future or simply using the features of your Tyros 5 to create and/or edit styles, Graham, I'm attaching Michael Bedesem's Frequently Asked Questions 2016 for you, if you don't already have it.  :)

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Graham UK

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Roger. Very thoughtful...Appreciated.

Graham UK

DrakeM.  Re-Your Reply.
So you have style ABC and want to put the RHY2 into style XYZ.

Copy and Paste the RHY2 into XYZ. Then check to make use that the RHY2 kit is still the same as the one used in style ABC. If it is then it will sound the same, it has to.

I know how to copy & Paste normally but what do you mean in this context. Please explain further.
Are you referring to using STYLE ASSEMBLY ?.